"Am i good enough for you?" Jeffrey Atkins x reader #1

Start from the beginning

You felt weak, and you didn't want to see anyone at all. You didn't even wanted to get out of bed. You just wanted to stay in bed with Jeff. But you felt terrible. You didn't want him to go through all this just because of you, but you knew you didn't look good at all, and you knew Jeff. He wouldn't leave. Even if you wanted to or told him to, he would never leave.

"We'll skip school today if-"
"No.. it's- it's okay.. I'll.. I'll go to school.." you struggled taking because you just felt too sad and numb to talk. "Y/N it's fine for me to stay here with you if you need me"

"Jeff.. I'm.. I'm fine, alright. We can go to school.." your voice was low.

"Jeff I'm serious.. it's alright" you lied. But you didn't want your boyfriend away from his life. His friends. Baseball, school. You just felt too much, and you didn't deserve this much. You slowly took his hands and brushed them softly with your finger and slowly smiled and looked at his sad puppy face. "Cmon let's get ready.." you said dragging him with you, when you stand up you were battening to stay on your feet. You felt heavy and weak but tried so hard to hide it. Jeff suddenly dragged you in a tight hug and pressed your head to his chest, holding you by the back of your head/ your hair. He had his lips on the top of your head, and you just stand there like that. You wanted to cry. You wanted to sob at his chest. You wanted to just water your eyeballs out on his warm hug. You slowly break the hug by pulling back. "Let's get-" "Ready? Babe I can see that you don't want to talk, and you don't have to" He said looking at your eyes while smiling at you and still holding your wrist. you just looked down. "I love you so much" he said softly pulling you closely to him and kissed your forehead and then the tip of your nose and then started to kiss your face. As you giggled shyly and just wished you could stay like this and forget about everything, you couldn't. "Jeff" you whispered. "I love you too, but.. we really should be get going..." He just nodded sadly as he knew you didn't actually want to go.

After you got ready both of you went to Jeff's car. As he drove both of you to school. When he stopped in the parking lot he took your hand and looked deep into your eyes and said "If anything happens, you come straight to me, okay?" You just nodded and gave him a tight hug giving him a kiss on the cheek and you both got out of the car. Jeff's arm around you holding you tight to his side as you hear everyone talking and laughing which made you feel anxious and scared. You tried to ignore everything but it only made you panic more. You felt your heart beat as you felt anxiety rushing inside your body. You held Jeff's skirt and fist it and just hugged him like it was the end of the world. He tightened his grip and whispered "You're okay baby girl, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise" and once again you felt more safer in his arms. You felt his fingers tucking your hair back your ear.

"Jeefff, Hey man!" Clay walked up to both of you and gave Jeff a brotherly-boyish hug without hitting you. "Hey Jensen" Jeff greeted the boy in front you. "Hey Y/N" he looked at you and realised that you didn't seem good. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Y- Yeah, I'm fi-fine" you tried to talk fast but you were struggling. "Umm, I see you later yeah?" You said to Jeff as you started to run-walk to your locker and started to lock it. Your hands were shacking and you didn't know how to survive this. You already were struggling with people. How were you gonna live first class? How are you gonna live until the end of the day? It would be easier if Jeff was there all the time but he had to be in that baseball practice. You knew how baseball was important to him, and you didn't want to ruin it.

You locked your locker and started to find your books for the first period. You almost jumped when someone leaned on the lockers. And it was him, of course. When things wouldn't get worse, Bryce Walker showed up. "What's up Y/N" you didn't look at him at all. Your eyes were only at your locker. You signed and said "What do you want Bryce" and rolled your eyes which was still on your locker. "Calm down there babe, I'm just here to tell you that I'm having a party tonight at mine. Was wondering if you wanted to come". As you heard everyone was talking about how bad Bryce Walker was. You even once heard he raped someone but didn't know who. Thought Bryce's parties was one of the most 'turn up' parties, like everyone says, you wouldn't even like to be close to him. That guy gives you seriously bad vibes, especially when he stares at you. "Why would I come, Bryce" you signed once again when you talked. You just felt your heart beat faster and faster and it started to hurt somehow. "I don't know. I thought we would have, you know, a little fun. You look upset as fuck these days and I just want you to be pressured" he took his hands on your neck and started to go down your collarbone and you immediately pushed him away. "F- fuck off, Bryce" your voice were shacking as you tried to lock your locker as fast as you could so you would run, but Bryce already grabbed your waist and pulled you to him. "Cmon babe, I know you actually want it" "Bryce get off!" You said trying to push him away but he was strong and you were already.. weak...

Jeff Atkins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now