Chapter One - A Friendly New Face

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Sonic sped through the Green Hill Zone. It had been a while since he had visited, and the place had hardly changed since he had seen it. Each blade of grass fluttered about as he dashed past them in a blur of shades of blue.

Sonic screeched to a stop as he walked over to a tall tree and sat down, leaning his back and head against the tall bark. The air smelled nice and fresh. The echo of the birds tweeting filled his ears, a breeze fluttering between his blue quills. It was so peaceful. So quiet. He began to close his eyes.

A weird 'Fwash!' sound picked up in his ears, which caused him to sit right up. A strange blue light formed in front of him. But before he could get up and investigate, something flew out, screaming in a high, screeching pitch. Whatever flew out crashed into him, knocking him right into the tree.


Sonic rubbed his head in pain, but noticed something in his face. It was long and was a mix of green and blue. He noticed a figure lying in front of him, face down. She seemed to have long green-blue ponytails held by square-shaped hair accessories that had a pink LED light in the middle, making it a small pink stripe due to the only thing making the LED noticeable was the tree's shade.

"Aaa... Ow, that hurt.."

The figure pulled herself up and stood. She was definitely taller than Sonic, and didn't look like any Mobian he had ever seen.

She seemed to wear clothes as well. She wore a strapless sleeveless gray top with little triangular accents to her collar and sleeves that were the same color as her long ponytails. On that top was a long tie, once again the same color as her hair, with a pair of black clips on them. Her short black skirt fluttered in the breeze, with strange yellow lights in shapes resemblimg circuits, with a few blue and pink ones here and there. Poking out from under her top was a strange belt with a triangular pattern that was in a loop shape over her right hip. The triangles were patterned in the same colors as her hair, with some triangles a bit darker. Only a small section of her thighs showed, due to a majority of her legs covered by long black leather-like socks that seemed to form into boots down to her feet. The thin cuffs on the socks were green-blue as well, with each boot having a LED-lit green-blue dot on her kneecap and the top of the front of her ankle, which seemed to connect the socks into boots. Starting from her lower shoulders were black leather-like sleeves, with weird yellow, blue, and pink LED circuits on them, the top and bottom cuffs once again green-blue, like her hair. Her eyes were large and twinkly, with the same shade of green-blue as her hair. 

She looked around a bit.

"Where am I?"

Her voice sounded cute and robotic. Each word she said sounded as if it was in different pitches or notes, but sounded a lot like talking anyway.

She turned to the tree and froze. Sonic was staring right at her.

She let out a high pitched robotic scream. Sonic tried not to cover his ears.

"Hey, woah woah, calm down-"

But, out of nowhere, she pulled out a long spring onion.

"Monster! Get it away!!"

"Wait, where did you get tha-"

But she was already slapping his head with the long vegetable, screaming out "Go away! Shoo, monster! Shoo, shoo! Don't eat me!"

Sonic backed too far into the tree trying to avoid her slaps, but hit the back of his head doing so.

"Ow! Knock it off, lady!"

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