"Halt" in an angry feminine voice. 

Jacket turned around for the person who was calling him was the blonde woman.

"Why are you here?" the blonde asked.

Jacket pulled  out his 'Walkman'(cassette player) and pressed play and a woman voice can be heard saying "Observed--*rewind effects*"  The blonde though this guy was a spy and also strange for this guy communicates from using some kind old device and strange device that she has never before seen.

"Both of you are coming with me!" the blonde woman said to Jacket and the girl in red.

But then Jacket *click* "Sorry I can not-"*click* then jacket used his first gadget, his 'Blink' to the nearest building far away to where the blonde is.

"It seems he got away" the blonde sigh," Do you know who he is miss?"

"No, he's was just actually observing" the girl in red said in honest.

"I see... You're still coming with me."


Jacket was now away from being caught or interrogated. It seems he's even more interested and fascinated in this world he is right now. But now he needs money but its already too late to find a job because it is already too late and dark. Seems time to go find a place for Jacket.He found a rundown apartment which is a good place to crash in because there weren't many people around it. He went to the highest floor of the apartment and found a bed and put down his backpack and lay down on the dirty old bed. 

Today was awesome.



Jacket woke up as the sound of cars can be heard from afar, Jacket grabbed his backpack and went down the building. "Time to find some money" Jacket said to himself, he was wandering around looking for a place to eat seems like there are similar food same as 'Earth' but Jacket doesn't even have any money and he doesn't know the currency of Remnant, somehow he ended up going back to the shop 'Till Dust till Dan' he had no place to go to anyway so he went inside and started reading some magazines while he was reading he noticed word 'Dust' is somehow look important and learned that the money here is called "Lien". Jacket went to the Shop owner and wrote a letter in front of him and passed it to him 'What is Dust?' the old shop owner thought this strange person is being funny but he ended up telling what Dust is. Dust is power source and there a variety of them, then after the old man was done talking Jacket left without a word 'cuz he is somehow a mute or won't talk the old man didn't even care.


Jacket wanted to earn money but his not good at doing legal jobs but illegal jobs but since he wanted to be a little good he decided to be less involved in illegal stuff, while Jacket was walking around he ended in a residential area when he heard a call for help in an alley. Jacket went to the alley and he found a 'Faunus' woman a nekowoman being assaulted  by 3 men  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), *wears his Mask*Jacket grabbed a piece of wood plank walk up one of the guys then bashed his head making the guy knocked out the wooden plank broke into pieces and jacket grabbed a piece of the wooden plank that has a sharp edge and one guy gave him a punched in the head and Jacker didn't mind the pain he got, even more, enjoyed making go to his violent tendency so Jacket stabbed the sharp wooden plank betweem the guy's eyes and mutilated its head by 'Delight' the back side of Jacket's hammer,  blood was squirting to its mutilated body, Jacket's jacket got stained by it. The 'Faunus' woman was terrified of this extreme violent view so the 'Faunus' woman screamed and fainted and was now laying on the ground. The last guy was about to ran away but Jacket started shooting its legs by his 'piece' and it hit the guy's thighs twice his 'aura' didn't even protect him for the bullet pierced inside his thighs, the man tripped and now was wheezing in pain. Jacket's bullet wasn't made off of dust so it was easy injuring the man making his 'aura' useless in protecting him and Jacket didn't know this yet. The last man was now crawling for his life, but the man gave up as he saw this masked man walking slowly to him. Jacket dropped his 'Piece' to the ground and pulled out his 'Walkman'(cassette player) ...

*click* "Do you know what time it is?[voice of a woman]" *click*

*click* "Do you know what time it is?[voice of a woman]" *click*

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"Please no! I'm beg-" 

The last man head was brutally destroyed by a strong swing of a hammer and still, the man was still breathing, as for Jacket it was good for him to make another strong second swing of his hammer to the guy's head. The guy was barely conscious he was tearing up but Jacket didn't want to make this guy suffer any longer for it's better to kill a person who is still breathing. Jacket is now ready for the second swing, he raised his hammer and bang... Dead.

They are all dead.

Jacket can now hear sirens of a police, Jacket started looting the bodies of the people he just attacked and carried the 'Faunus' Woman like a princess outside the alley and lay her unconscious body on the wall. Jacket removed his jacket for it was stained with the blood of the people he just killed a while a go, he didn't want to get caught.  Jacket left the woman and walked away as the police came.

Jacket traversed his way to the roof.

killing is fun.

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