Chapter One: A Leaf in the Wind

Start from the beginning

"That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending."

I rolled my eyes. "Tenzin, have you even been to a match? No, you haven't. I'm sure if you actually went to one, you'd actually like it."

"Uh, who's this?" Korra asked.

"This is my cousin's daughter, Jaya. She is here to be your friend and keep you in line when I can't."

"Tenzin, I'm sure she's nice, but I don't need a babysitter."

"Korra, you both need someone your age to spend time with. My decision is final."


"Korra, what are you doing?" I asked quietly as I followed her through the island, furious that she was sneaking out.

"I'm going to the arena. You gonna tattle on me or come with?"

I sighed deeply as I jumped in the water after her, following her to the arena.

We reached the golden building, and Korra bent us out of the water and into the arena.

"Look at this training room!"

"Korra, let's get out of here."

"Oh, calm down. You scared of getting scolded by Tenzin?"

"Hey!" shouted a gruff voice. "What are you doing in my gym?"

"Uh, we were just looking for a bathroom and we got lost," Korra lied.

"The old 'I had to pee' excuse. I'm tired of you kids sneaking in without paying. I'm taking you to security!"

"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you," a young man said as he walked in the gym. He put his arm around me. "She and her friend are with me."

I nodded. "Yep, I'm with him."

"Yeah, you see, we're together."

I pushed his arm off of me. "Well, not together together. More like friends."

"Yeah! Like friends. I didn't mean to imply-"

"Oh, you definitely implied it."

"I don't care what you are, I got work to do!" The old man said.

"Right this way, ladies."

"Thank you sir," Korra said.

"Seriously, thanks," I whispered.

"So what do you think? Best seats in the house," the young man said once he led us to the locker room.

"Woah, unbelievable," Korra said as she overlooked the arena. "This place is more amazing than I imagined." 

"My name's Bolin, by the way."


"And who might you be?" he asked.

"My name's Jaya."

"Nice to meet you, Jaya."

Bolin started talking to another young man who entered the room.

"Isn't this place awesome?" Korra asked.

"Yeah, but we should probably head back to the temple soon."

"Come on, Jaya. Let's at least stay until the match is over."

"Korra, that-"

"Come here, I want you to meet my brother, Mako."

"Mako? Wow, I heard you play on the radio," Korra said with an extended hand, ready for it to be shaken.

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