(Rant #1) Kids Are Rascist Too

Start from the beginning

That's exactly how I'm feeling now as I'm typing those words.

I'm actually really mad right now.

Aack, whatever.

I tried my hardest to not pull out my mad face.

Now, those of you that know me well in real life. . . . Well, you know that it's not pretty when I snap.

That sass from the inside comes out.

Yep, I'm really sassy when I'm mad, says a lot of people.

I took the deepest breath I'd ever took in a long, long time.

"Well," I flared up my nostrils, "be specific! Like, where exactly did you think I live?"

"I dunno!" she shrugged.

"C'mon! Just say it!"

"I don't know! Maybe in Kung Fu Island? Or, Kung Fu Mountain?"



Gee, thanks. You made my day, stranger girl.

"Ooooh. Okay." I said calmly. "Do you know Kung Fu?"

"Yeah!" she pumped up her fist in the air. "Like this!"

"Hi-YAAAAA!!!!!!" she screamed while kicking up her leg as high as she could in the air.

I moved my sister back quickly, scared for her dear life. But somehow, the girl kept on kicking at my sister's direction.

Was she trying to kill my sister or something? 'Cause that ain't happening!!!!!

"YAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" the girl screamed again.

Man, she screams loud. You should hear just loud she is.

She kicked and punched and kicked, until finally--finally--she was too tired to go on.

Trying my best to be patient, I lied, "Whoa! That's so cool! I wish I could learn how to do that!"

I'm an expert on lying to kids. After this dilemma, I tricked her into thinking Casper was real. (but that's another story for another day) If you've read Toady-Ella and Insomniac Isadora, then you'd understand about this one: I once tricked a little kid (whom I told the WHOLE ENTIRE story to, because I LOVE story telling , and we had nothing to do anyway) into thinking that Flora, Fauna, and Hazel were real just because I had glow-in-the-dark nail polish. I told her that it was a "fairy's mark". Genius, huh?


And after I trick little kids, I'd clutch my stomach really hard and laugh to death in a room all by myself.

I'm a more evil wrench than Voldemort XD!!!

She beamed proudly.

And then she kept on saying stuff about how I look and whatever.

Finally, I got so mad that I told my sister angrily in Chinese, "Now that's the kind of respect we Chinese people get."

Of course, being a baby, my sis didn't understand anything of what I just said.

"Hey, what did you just say?" the girl asked.

I bit back a rude reply. "Ah, no, it was nothing."

Then, my mom came to the rescue.


"Arianna needs to eat more. We'll take her, okay?" she told me, taking Ari's hand.

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