Is it real?

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It was Saturday afternoon, all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and watch tv. But my friend kept on calling me about this band that is playing right here in MInnestoa. I dont know the band and I dont know what they look like. My phone rang and my friend said Kat what are you doing we need to stand in line for the tickets. I said im not feeling well. The reason why I said that is because I could care less about music. So when my friend Rebbca was standing in line for the tickets, I wanted to go to a diner to eat something. I was sitting down by myself :(. I looked like a loser but my stomach didnt care because i was starving. I order a hambuger and fries. Than a cute brown hair and eyes was starting at me from across the diner. I just ate quick and I started to get up to throw my tray away but the guy took it and throw it away for me. I didnt know what to do because I only had one boyfried. The guy had four guy friends, im guessing. I wave goodbye to the four boys and was walking away but than i felt a hand. Than the guy said hi im Zayn, what is yours name. I said its Kathrine but you can call me Kat. He ask if I wanted to sit down with his friends. I said are you guys spies, killers, or just plain good people. He said do we really look like we can kill people. In my head I said yes because you have good mucsleus. When we went back to his table he introudce me his guy friends. Thier was Louie who smiled and laugh a lot, Harry who had curly brown hair. There were also Liam who had starighis brown and blonde hair, Niall had blonde hair too. They ask if i had anywhere to be but I said no but I should be getting home in alittle while. They said they had a hotel near the movies. I said im fine with going to the movies. I wishpered to myself that i didnt want to go back to there hotel rooms since i just met them. They said cool, do you know any good movies out latly. I said no I havent been to the movies in awhile. Zayn and I were talking about our familys and friends. He seems like a good guy to be around. Zayn ask if I had a boyfriend but sadly i said no do you have a girlfriend. Surprrisingley he said no and I said im shocked. He laugh why would you say that, I said it because you are cute. He said you think im cute. Well I think you are cute too. I said Liar, he like no really Ilike your smile the best it just brighten room when you walked in. I laughed are you sure a guy or girl wasnt just fixing a lightbulb in the room when I walked in. He said no its just beacuase you are bueatiful. The four guys in the front of the car said aww. Than Zayn was blushing and smack Liam on the top of his head. Everybody were laughing. Niall got a call and said to the other guys that they can stay in Minnestoa for about 2 more weeks. Kat was thinking in her head why did they come to Minnestoa its boring here. Why are they going to stay two more weeks and why did Niall get a call from someone saying they could stay two more weeks. Kat was confused even more. Than Kat ask are you all brothers or friends? They said they are best friends. When they pulled in the movie threater parking lot. They ask what movie they all should see. Kat said we should see the Hangover. I always wanted to see that movie. I heard that was a good movie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2012 ⏰

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