"It is." I managed to speak despite how uneasy I was that Jeff was speaking to me. "I lived on uh.. Junn Street." Since I was no longer living there, I supposed it wouldn't hurt to tell him. Besides, I was a bit curious to know if he really had.

"Ah yes." Jeff croaked, his damaged voice sneering. "I've been there before." He looked as though he wanted to say more, but when more faces entered the room he went silent, returning to sharing quiet news with Ben.

"Morning." Jane spoke coolly as she sat across from me, Aqua at her side and another stranger wearing a blue mouthless mask who both sat on either side of her. "How was your first night dear?" Her face was kind as she smiled gently at me, looking sympathetic.

"It was actually pretty good." I admitted, grinning at Ben. "It's going to take a lot to get used to but.. I can manage. I think." My voice quivered slightly as I ended my sentence, and Jane nodded, looking pleased that everything had gone well. "How about you guys? Aqua?"

Aqua blinked sleepily at me, and then gave a nod. "Yea, I had a nice night." She said politely, rubbing her eyes. "Could've gotten a better sleep, heh.." She and Jane giggled, and I finally turned my attention back to Toby, who I found was now turned towards me, head slightly tilted.

"You seem so.. chill." He commented, looking at me through the orange goggles. I could just barely make out his eyes, his expression unknowable.

"It's clear that I'm not in any danger here." I explained, and it was the truth. "I mean, sure you're a bunch of.. killers, but that's fine. Well- it's not fine but it's fine. Y'know?" My explaination got a bit more jumbled as it went on, but even still I looked at Toby for reassurance, who seemed even more taken aback.

"Y-..Yea, I do know.." He murmured, and I smiled lightly. At every moment I expected someone else to walk in, but it seemed that it was only this small group. I had seen hundreds if not thousands, where were they now? Not like they could all fit in this room in the first place though.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, now speaking to the whole table (except for Jeff maybe). Ben was the one to answer.

"A lot of us don't actually need to eat. Or drink for that matter. Others are just too tired from last nights adventures. Trust me, you don't want to see what some of them eat." He glanced at the blue masked man, who was nibbling on a red something I couldn't quite tell what it was, but I quickly looked away as to not find out.

"Here, food." Masky said, setting out a good amount of pancakes and horrifically burnt bacon. Remembering Bens warning, I kept my mouth shut and happily accepted the food onto my plate. At least the pancakes were good, and I could drown the burnt food in maple syrup which somehow actually helped it to be edible. Upon finishing, Jane took our plates for us, and I continued to sit at the table, unsure if I was allowed to move or not.

"Hey, I gotta run some errands." Ben said, floating up out of his chair. "Feel free to give the place a look around, I'll be back around the evening." My heart sank as Ben hurried out of the room, gone for the day. Jane and Aqua had already left, so I finally got up from the chair and headed out into the hallway. It felt like it stretched on for ever, and I worried that I'd walk into someones room on accident.

"Hi again S-Silva." Someone familiar spoke up, and I turned to see Toby once more. I was glad to see someone familiar, and I gave him a small wave "Do you wanna hang out? I mean- I know Bens busy but he doesn't have to be your only friend here." He offered, and I nodded eagerly.

"Sure, that would be cool." I answered, following behind Toby as he led me to his room. On the front of this door was the outlines of two hatchets creating an X. Opening the door, I found it was much similar to Bens room, looking entirely normal but unique. Three walls were a pale shade of green, one being a shade of brown. Everything was pretty neat, except for the bed which looked as though a tornado had come through and only decided to mess up the sheets.

"So.. did you have anything in mind?" I asked, standing still in the room as I was still unsure if I should be moving without someone telling me to. Toby thought for a moment, then seemed to get an idea as he hopped over to a desk sitting in the corner of a room, two hatchets sitting atop of it. Beside the hatchets were some canvases, and he held them out.

"Do you like painting?" He asked. "I do, it's really fun!"

"Yea, I do." I nodded in agreement. "Let's paint!"

We began with painting our canvases, but it soon turned to paint on our hands. A smudge on the others canvas, then putting a dot on the others hand. Before we knew it, we were having a paint battle, trying to see who could get more paint on the other. It was ridiculous, but we were laughing all the same. By the end of the painting session, we were both covered in rainbow splatters. One final time, I dipped my hand in red paint and playfully smacked his face, which hardly did a thing as he was still wearing his mask and goggles.

"I win!" I declared, beaming. Our paintings hadn't turned out much different than us, being a mix of colors splattered about.

"Yes, I admit defeat." Toby sighed dramatically, pretending to faint as he fell backwards onto the bed. Then he sat back up, booping me on the nose one last time, leaving a blue dot. I scrunched up slightly, but still felt extremely light on air.

"This was really fun." I chuckled, but as I looked to the small alarm clock, I realized that Ben would be returning soon. "Oh, but I should get cleaned up. Uh.. can you show me where the shower is?"

"Haha, of course." Toby laughed, and with that we ventured into the hallway, leaving colorful footprints in our wake.

silver tail (creepypasta fanfiction) (being revised)Where stories live. Discover now