Chapter 2

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Hello! I just want to let you all know that I've never been to a convention before, so I have no idea how things work. So please forgive me if it's nothing like how they do actually work. Anyway, enjoy the chapter! -Mars

Me and (f/n) drove for about 30 minutes, singing to the radio, well if you want to call it singing, and laughing at how off tune we were. After spending about 15 minutes trying to find a parking spot, we finally found one near a cafe that's about a two minute walk from the convention center. Because we have platinum VIP packages we got to go in early and explore the floor. Me and (f/n) arrive at the doors for VIPs and greet the door men. "Hello!" me and (f/n) say at the same time. "Hi, tickets and badges please." "Right, we have them right here," I say showing them the badge around my neck and giving them the ticket from my purse as (f/n) does the same. They scan the tickets and let us in. "Enjoy your time." "Thank you," me and (f/n)say at the same time again. Once we're inside we have a little freak out session. "OH MY GOD WE'RE MEETING OUR IDOLS TODAY!!" (F/n) screams. "I know!! But you need to calm down a little bit!" I say with a laugh. "I'm sorry, I just can't help it! Aren't you excited!?" She asks. "Yes I am, i'm like dying on the inside! I just don't like drawing this much attention to myself. Also we get to meet them tomorrow to and maybe the day after, but I'm not sure." I say quietly, but still with excitement in my voice. "Right, well lets go look at stuff." (F/n) says clear bliss written all over her face. We walk to the floor where all the booths are and my mouth hangs open in awe, still having a hard time believing I'm here. We walk around the floor and look at booths and buy some stuff. I got some Marvel pins, a winter soldier stuffed bear, and some Marvel shirts, and (f/n) got basically the same stuff except all her marvel stuff was captain America, whereas mine was mostly winter soldier and some Loki stuff. After some more walking I checked our schedule for where we were supposed to be and when and saw that we had to be at the Hydra arena in 15 minuets for Sebastian, Chris, and Anthonys panel. "How Ironic" I think to myself. "(F/n), c'mon we need to be at their panel room in 15 minutes." 

We get to our seats in the front row and wait as everyone else starts pouring in. The interviewer/host walks out and welcomes them to the stage. Me and (f/n) start screaming and clapping along with everyone else. Once they're seated I look at Sebastian with a big smile as he's looking over the crowd. He looks a little in mine and (f/n) direction and I do a little wave still smiling like mad, not expecting him to see me or even acknowledge me. But to my surprise he looks me right and the eye, waves, and mouths a small "hello." So I mouth back "hi," smiling even bigger now, and he keeps his eyes locked on mine for a bit, his piercing steel blues eyes looking into mine and he does a little smirk. Then the host asked him a question and he looks away from me. Little did I know (f/n) saw the whole thing and even recorded it. "Oh my god! He totally just checked you out!" She whisper excitedly to me. "No he wasn't! Besides, why would someone like him be interested in someone like me?" I state. "Are you kidding me! He would be SO lucky to have you, anyone would." She says putting a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks, now shut up and pay attention." I say with a laugh pushing her hand off my shoulder.

As the panel is ending and the 3 boys are heading off stage after getting their pictures taken, Sebastian takes one last look into the crowd to wave and locks eyes with me again and gives a smile before leaving, and then after he disappears, I see Chris doing the same thing to (f/n). "Holy shit! Chris was just checking you out!!" I yell at (f/n). "He was not! You're messing with me right? This is payback?" She asked, but I see the hope in her eyes that I'm telling the truth. "No I'm being 100% serious, he was actually checking you out!" I say back to her. "No fucking way!! AHhhhhhhh, oh my god! We need to get to the signing right now!!" she freaks and grabs my hand and pulls me out of the panel room as I struggle to keep up with her. "Jesus (f/n) slow down!" I exclaim with a laugh. "No, we're so close. C'mon don't want to miss them!" After eight minutes straight of running we make it to the signing booths area and wait at Sebastians. We only had to wait behind about 20 people but because we were in the VIP line we only had to wait for about 45 minutes before it was our turn. We're at the front of the line now only behind two girls, i can see Sebastian and my anxiety kicks in and my breathing gets hectic. "I can't do this" I say panicking. "(Y/n)? Oh god. Hey look at me, you can do this, we've waited so long for this, you are not quitting on me now. Listen you are one of the strongest, most courageous people I know, you can do this. Do not let your anxiety beat you." She encourages. "Thank you, do you have any water?" I ask, still shaky. "Yeah here" she responds pulling a water bottle out of her bag. I take a gulp and hand the bottle back to her then it's our turn to go up to Sebastian. "Hey, I recognize you, you were the girls in the panel, right? How are you?" He asks politely with the beautiful smile of his. I just stand there nervously, looking at his eyes, and (f/n) nudges me. "Hi, yes that's us. Sorry about (y/n) by the way, she's really nervous." (f/n) tells him, now it was my turn to nudge her. He laughs his signature laugh then says "It's quite alright, everyone gets nervous sometimes, it's normal and nothing to be embarrassed about." "Thank you" I speak up "that means the world to me, you have no idea. And I want to thank you for everything you do, you help SO MANY people just by doing what you love. And the fact the you spread so much kindness everywhere you go means the world to so many people, so thank you."I happily say. Sebastian smiles widely, blushes and looks down and smiles at me, then steps forward and gives me a big hug. "Thank you, things like this are exactly why I love doing what I do" He says as he steps away from me, but the whole time we were hugging, I was hoping it would never end, but it had to eventually. "So do you have anything you'd like me to sign?" He ask politely. "Oh yes, here." I say handing him a small poster of the winter soldier in my purse. He takes it sign it and as he's doing that I take my case off my phone and hand that to him as he's giving me back my poster. I look down at the poster and read what he wrote. "You're so beautiful, and strong, don't let anyone tear you down, love you<3" I smile as he hands me my phone case back and thank him as I'm putting the case back on. "Oh before we head off, could I take a picture of you two with our phones?" (f/n) asks with a big smile. "Yes of course" Sebastian agrees. He comes up to me after I give (f/n) my phone and puts his arm around my waist and gives a big smile, as do I. My heart was racing a million miles an hour, I thought it was going to jump out of my chest. (f/n) then pulls my phone out and gets ready to take the picture. "Wait! Can we do silly faces for this one??" Sebastian laughs, but complies and opens his mouth as if he were gonna scream and sticks one leg out to the side and leans on me a little and I do a wink and stick my tongue out, life one leg up and do piece signs. I hear the camera go off twice and get out of my pose and go grab your phone. Me and (f/n) give Sebastian one last hug and say goodbye before we have to head out. "Hey we should get some lunch" (f/n) suggests. "yeah, I'm starving."

Hey! I hope you liked this chapter, it took me SO LONG to write because I kept getting distracted and then not knowing where to take the chapter or where to end it. But again sorry if it isn't exactly like how a convention goes, I've never been to one, so...sorry. Anyway, see you in the next chapter, byeee! -Mars

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