"And Bomi," the girl was already about to leave when her sister called for her once again.


"Hurry up."

"You better move those legs of yours." Yunseo's follower jeered.

"Yeah, you better hurry up or there won't be any food left for you. Oh, wait. I forgot that servants-"

She stopped when Yunseo stomped her leg on the floor. Yunseo glanced at Bomi with serious expression. "Just. Hurry. Up."


With those words Bomi then returned to the classroom and searched for Yunseo's wallet. After some time, she finally found it at the bottom of Yunseo's bag, mixed among all stuff she had. Bomi wondered why Yunseo brought many things to school – weren't school books enough?

Stuffing all the things back to Yunseo's bag, she then hurried towards the cafeteria. She kept her walk fast-paced and her head to ground, making sure that she didn't make any eye contact with the passersby. Bomi wished she would get to Yunseo without causing any trouble.

Bomi reached the entrance and saw Yunseo and her followers standing in the line. She was about to call out for them, when she accidentally dumped on someone. A lunch tray fell and food scattered all around the floor.

"Bitch! Watch we're you're going. Urg, now my clothes are all ruined."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" Bomi cried while repeatedly bowing deep.

The boy on the floor tried to fix his checkered blouse, but it was covered in stains. He then looked up and saw Bomi who was wearing turtleneck and a black scarf on top of it. A disgusted expression fell on his face.

"A fucking tagless servant. Should've know you guys are nothing more than trash. Apologize," he hissed.

"I'm so sorry!" Bomi kept on repeating.

"I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT BITCH!" he yelled so loud the cafeteria fell silent. Everyone's eyes were focused on what was happening by the entrance.

The boy was obviously delighted of the attention he received. He walked to tower over the small girl. "Do you think mere words of apology are enough from a servant like you? Get. Down. On. You. Knees. And. Apologize."

Bomi breathed heavily as her whole body trembled. She cursed herself for being so careless. How come she always got herself into situations like this? Why she had to be so clumsy? If only she had paid more attention if only she...

Biting her lip, Shin Bomi started kneeling down.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!?" She stopped the moment Yunseo's voice reached her ears.

Bomi's eyes widened in shock and she quickly got up.

This time all eyes was on the freshman girl from the Department of Vocal Music. She majestically flipped her hair as she walked towards the eye of the commotion. The boy Bomi had crashed on looked at Kang Yunseo with his mouth wide open.

"Didn't I tell you to hurry up!?" Yunseo continued, now standing before Bomi. Her hand was raised high as if she was ready to slap her servant for her mistake. She stopped before doing it though, and sighed. "Do you have my wallet?"

"Yes, it's here." Bomi hurried and handed Yunseo's wallet to her.

The girl looked satisfied. "Then let's go," she said and walked away, not even looking at the boy. Bomi glanced at the boy but then decided to follow Yunseo.

"WAIT!" Bomi and Yunseo stopped the moment they heard the boy yell. The latter let out a hung sigh and turned around.

"What is it?"

"Your servant hasn't apologized to me yet." The boy explained, glaring at Bomi who looked troubled.

Yunseo blinked a few times. After that she burst into laughter.

"For your information, she's my servant and she obeys to my commands only. Have I ordered her apologize to you? No? Too bad for you. Come complain about my servants' behavior when you get a servant of your own... Oh, but you can't do that, right? After all you're a mere B class."

Yunseo's sharp words cut like a knife. She took all the pleasure she had for having higher status. She wouldn't let anyone to mess around with her. "Now disappear from my sight before I make you to apologize to my servant."

She made a dramatic turn after finishing her speech. "We're leaving. NOW."

Bomi quickly shook away any emotion on her face and followed after her mistress. She heard whispers from various tables and all eyes were still fixed on Yunseo. The girl didn't seem to notice them though.

Ignoring everything, Yunseo returned to the line and Bomi stood closely behind her. The former filled her lunch tray with food and then went to search for place to sit at. She scanned around the cafeteria and realized her followers sitting around a round table. They were waving their hands hoping to catch her attention.

Yunseo did notice them but instead of their table, she headed towards the table next to them. There, seven boys were enjoying their lunch.

Yunseo approached the table and smiled sweetly. "Mind if I join you?"

The boys looked up at her. Almost immediately a few of them moved, making space for Yunseo. On the other side of the table the boys made some space for Bomi. Yunseo sat down without any second words while Bomi made sure to bow deep before slipping into a seat between two boys.

Yunseo's eyes were fixated on only one person. She didn't even bother to greet the others as she stared at the new boy with perfectly styled brown hair. "You must be the newly crowned King, right? It's nice to meet you."

"It's rude talk to others before introducing yourself."

His sharp words took Yunseo by a surprise. She looked lost for a second, but quickly gathered herself.

"Oh, how rude of me," the girl giggled. She then reached her arm to Jeon Jungkook while smiling widely.

"I'm Kang Yunseo. The Queen."


  🔼 Next time, the whole BTS finally makes their appearance. 

  🔼 What will happen between the King and the Queen?  

  🔼 Thoughts on the chapter?  


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