Chapter 34 - New Years

Start from the beginning

“And I hurt her too, if it’s one thing I’ve learnt is that friendship is important. It’s a precious thing and when you fine someone that understands you, someone who you can do the stupidest things with and they’ll never judge you, you got to hold on to them.”


“When did you get so smart?” She laughs, playfully punching me.


“I was always this smart jerk, you just never paid attention” I replied smiling at her.




I give myself a once over in the mirror before going down the stairs. My parents were throwing their annual New Year’s Eve party which meant a lot of people. Friends, family, people from my dad’s company and my mom’s co-workers from the hospital.


As I made my way down the step I was hit with the eruption of noise being that everyone was here already. I know I live in the house of the party but I was still late … that’s just me.


I walked around the living room saying hi to the people that I knew then made my way to the kitchen.


“Lauren!” Mama C cheered


“Hey Mama C ¿Cómo estás?” I greeted hugging her.


 “He sido gran” She hugged back “I’ve heard dear, I’m so sorry. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be”


I looked at her confuse “Sorry?”


“Camila told me you guys broke up, she said that it wasn’t working out between you too”


I smiled “Yeah well that’s part of life but how’d you know if you don’t take the risk. Is she here?”


“Yeah she’s out back with Jennel”


“It’s great to see you Mama C”


“You too Sweetheart, go have fun” I smiled walking away.


I went out back spotting my target by the pool. Walking slowly beside her, sitting at the edge of the pool.


“It’s good to see you guys on a good note” I said gesturing to her and Jennel.


“I think I should leave” Jennel said getting up.


“What? No” Camila protest.


“You guys need to talk” She said before leaving.


We remain silent as I sat cross legged, leaning forward a bit and running my hands through the water as Camila played with the ends of her hair. And in the back ground I could heard the soft melody playing as everyone is obvious as what we feel in this moment.


Say something, I’m giving up on you.


My Sister's Best Friend (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now