Why do you hate me?

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Hi, let me introduce myself; the name's Alexandra – Lexa for short – McGee I was your typical high school nerd. I've got green eyes that used to be covered with my big glasses and I usually wore my dark blonde hair in a messy ponytail.

I just finished my senior year of high school and my life recently changed by the one and only Damian Greenland. Damian was the captain of the football team and player all around – or rather he was a player until he met me.

Four months earlier

"Lexa! Get your ass out of bed, now!" My mother shouts from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yell back as I take my bag and make my way downstairs. Usually my mother has to call five times before I get out of bed but this time I was already up and ready. "Morning, mum." I greet her by kissing her cheek.

"Morning , baby. Breakfast is waiting for you on the table. I made your favourite." My mom tells me and I hurry up to get those delicious pancakes in my mouth. After breakfast I hurry to the bus stop – I'm a nerd so it's not like I have a bright red Mustang or anything – which is a ten minute walk away from home.

After ten minutes the bus finally arrives and I get on taking a seat next to my best friend Angela.

"Hey, Angie!" I greet her unlike me Angie could actually be popular but she chooses not to be by being my friend. Angela Greenland could be popular by just hanging out with her brother Damian. If it wasn't for the fact she hates his gut because of his player ways and the way he treats people like me.

"Hi, Lexa! How are you doing today?" she asks blowing her red (dyed) hair out of her brown eyes.

"Excellent since mom made pancakes!" I have an unhealthy addiction to pancakes but they're just so good so sue me! Angie grins at me knowing that means I'll be hyper all day. "How are you?"

"Fine." She grumbles. Whenever Angie is down it most often is because of her ass of a brother.

"What did he do this time?" I ask her referring to Damian.

"He tried to get me to dump you again but I told him you're my best friend and I would never do that." She sighs.

"Why does he hate me so much?" I question her hurt that he suggested that she should leave me alone again

"I don't know... He always says that you're bad for my reputation because of your looks and grades." She notices my sad look and decides to try to cheer me up. "If people would only judge on your personality you would be one of the most popular people around here."

"Thanks, Angie. I love you, bestie!" I give her a side ways hug as she says that she loves me too. As soon as we get off the bus we go to our lockers and grab our stuff for our classes to come.


"Miss McGee and mister Greenland." As I hear my teacher say my name in the same sentence as Damian's I look at him with the deer-caught-in-the-headlights-look.

"S-Sir?" I stutter.

"Miss McGee I know you prefer to work alone but this time you are going to work together with someone. In this case it's mister Greenland." Our teacher says with a no-argument-voice.

I let my head down in defeat and hear chuckles from behind me. I don't even have to turn around to know it's Damian and his group – better known as the jocks – they're always sitting behind me so they can pick on me better.

"Dude, you have to work with the freak!" Jason – Damian's best friend – laughs. "You won't have to do a thing. You just let her do it all." Angie takes my hand as she hears the words from behind us.

Why do you hate me? - FLA2018 -Where stories live. Discover now