I walked back to my room and immediately grabbed my phone. I dialed Aiden's number and waited for him to pick up. He never did. I called him again.

Come on, Aiden. Pick up.

He finally picked up on the seventh ring.

"Aiden, hey!"

"This is not Aiden."

Whoever spoke sounded familiar.

"Who's this?"

"This is Jayko. Aiden is busy. Call back later."

"Where is he?" I asked.

The call ended, and I frowned at the phone.

What the hell?


I tossed the phone on the sofa just when Aiden jogged downstairs. He carried one rifle with him and two pairs of cut off jeans.

"Who's that?" he asked.

"Amber. I told her to call back later."

"Did she say anything important?"

I thought about his question as he tossed one of the jeans in the air. I caught it easily.

"No. Not really," I said.


He passed by me, and I followed him out the door and out into the forest. We kept a quick, silent pace.

"So, what's the deal with you and Amber?"

He turned to me and grinned—a bit too happy there. "I'm crazy about her."

A slight frown creased my forehead. "Can you trust her after what she did to Donny?" I asked. "How do you know she won't do it to you?"

My brother paused in thought as we walked further inside the forest.

"I don't think she will," he claimed.

"I heard a rumor that she's still crazy about Donny."

He looked me in the eyes. "Who told you that?"

I shrugged a little. "You know how rumors are."

He stood silent and kept walking. I smelled a warm-blooded deer a mile away. We were getting closer and closer with every step.

"If I was you, I would study her before getting too deep into the relationship."

Aiden nodded.

"Are you sure she's a virgin?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I could smell it," he said. "And believe me, she hasn't been with anyone." There was a pause of silence until he asked me, "What about your life?"

My thoughts chased up to Reece. I hadn't been talking to her lately but that would change soon.

"I'm really into Reece," I confessed. "I wanna sleep with her."

"Make sure she doesn't get pregnant. You know what the Judges will do."

I chuckled. "I'm not that dumb, brother."

He cracked a smile. "And make sure you don't bite her either."

"Eh. I'll probably nip her."

We erupted laughter.

"Man, I could smell her," I gushed excitedly. "I know she's ready for me."

And I'm so ready for her.

Aiden chuckled and shook his head. We reached the mile and stopped twenty feet away from the deer.

I swallowed.

The Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now