I got halfway through the field, and I lost them, they were gone.

They couldn't follow me.

I went to the door and opened it.

Carrie ran and hugged me. " Where the hell were you?! You had me worried sick! What the fuck happened to your leg?!"

She started crying. I finally had a chance to look at my leg.

It was bleeding everywhere. There was an arrow sticking out of my calf.

"Some son of a bitch shot me."

I looked through the bags until I found the bolt cutters that we found a while ago.

"Shit, I knew you were hurt when you weren't home." She ran around the room trying to find all of the things I needed.

I put the bolt cutters up to the arrow. This is gonna hurt so fucking bad.

I snapped it and started pulling it out the other side.

"Owowowowowowow, fuck shit!" I yelled towards the arrow.


"Sorry it just hurts a whole hell of a lot!" I snapped.

"Sorry. I'll wrap it."

She put the gauze pad over the wound on both sides and started to wrap it.

"Ow." I breathed.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), but it has to be done." She finished wrapping it after what felt like an eternity.

"Who shot you?" She asked.

"Some dude named Gareth."

"Asshole, didn't follow you did he?"

"No, but I ran with the arrow in my leg for at least half an hour."

"My god. I knew you were tough but I didn't know you were that tough kid." She smiled.

"Here I found these in the meds cabinet upstairs."

She handed me two extra strength Tylenols.

"Thanks." I said drinking some of the 'fresh' water.

"I'll find you a change of clothes, your soaked." She laughed. "And that pant leg is gonna stain."

"Your worried about a stain?" We started laughing.

"No but clothes are hard to come by and I don't need you staining them with your blood." She joked.

"I got squirrel." I stated.

"Perfect. I'll cook it up right after you get changed."


I limped over to her as she handed me my clothes and headed outside.

I quickly changed into the sweatpants and tee-shirt she gave me.

I hobbled over to the door and opened it slightly.

"Almost done?" I asked smelling the air.

"Yeah, I'll be in when it's done. Can you get his bottle ready?"


I hopped back and picked up the formula container, bottle, and water.

I mixed them and sat on the old couch. I picked Alex up and smiled at him.

"Hi sweety." I laughed as I fed him.

When he finished the bottle, I burped him and sat him back in the car seat.

He yawned and fell asleep just as Carrie walked in.

"Foods done." She whispered, bringing it in on a paper plates.

"Thank you." I breathed.

"Is it cooked?" She asked after I took a bite.

"Yeah, it's perfect."

"Good." She sighed.

"How's your leg?"

"Still hurts like a bitch."


"Come on, I'm gonna be 13 in a few months, and it's the apocalypse."

"Okay fine, but only because the baby's sleeping."

We both laughed as the night went on.  I took more Tylenol and fell asleep on Carrie's shoulder.

She truly was the mother I never had. I'm so grateful that I found her and Alex when I did otherwise, I probably would have died.

Not from starvation or people, but because of myself, my thoughts.

I would've let the thoughts take over if I hadn't met them.

The thoughts that told me there was no point in going on, no light at the end of the tunnel.

Thoughts lie, Carrie is the light at the end of the tunnel, it's only a faint light but it'll help me find the end.

The end of the tunnel is finding the group and everyone being reunited.

That's what's at the end of the tunnel for me.

I can't find the end of the tunnel in this house. It's surrounded by those people.

We need to leave. I'll bring it up with Carrie in the morning, she'll agree with me.

She almost always does. She trusts me and I don't understand why.

I guess I trust her and don't know why either.

Trusting her gave me hope that there was still good in the world.

She let's me believe that the group is still alive and looking for me.

Even if their not, a little hope never hurt.

I woke up to Alex crying.

I got up, only to fall over in pain.

How the hell did I forget I couldn't walk on my leg.

I sat on the floor and slowly moved myself closer to Alex's diaper bag.

"Hold on baby, I'm coming." I got the bottles out with the formula just as Carrie woke up.

"(Y/N)," She looked around. "what are you doing?"

"Getting him a bottle." I simply stated shaking the bottle until it was mixed.

"You should have woke me up." She said as she got up and pick Alex up.

"I'll feed him you take more medicine and go back to sleep."

"Fine." I groaned picking up the pill bottle and taking two.

"Night Carrie."

"Goodnight (Y/N)."

The Lost Dixon (CarlXreader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now