35 | a familiar face

Start from the beginning

"It's okay, really." He says and takes his coffee mug and heads out into the backyard.

My eyebrows scrunch together as I watch him sit on the rocks outside and sip on his coffee. I feel that there's something wrong. What's wrong with him. As if Corbyn had read my mind he says something.

"He hasn't been eating much. Yesterday at the party, all he did was sit down and was on his phone. I heard him last night in his room, he was talking to Kemdall. He misses her a lot. The distance isn't very good for them." Corbyn explains and it breaks my heart a little.

Kendall has also been telling me how much she misses Jonah and how she wished she was here in LA with me. I too, miss my best friend, but this is obviously a lot harder on Jonah. I would hate being miles away from Daniel and only being able to communicate with him through a phone. Then, I get an idea.

"I have an idea!" I exclaim, a smile forming on my face. I quickly grab my phone from upstairs and dial Kendall's number.

"Kendall, babe, you're coming to LA!"

I explained to the boys my secret plan of Kendall surprising Jonah on coming here to LA. See, at our school, there's only about 2 days of school left, for the seniors, and then graduation is 5 weeks after, meaning Kendall has 5 weeks free.

"So, Kendall is gonna come here on Tuesday, around midnight. In the morning, she can surprise Jonah." I explained to them.

"This is actually such a great idea! Jonah will be overjoyed!" Zach exclaims, a little too loudly. We all shushed him and we all turned in Jonah's direction, hoping he didn't hear anything.

After checking he didn't look in our direction, we all started talking about the plan again. Once we discussed everything, Daniel pulled me into the lounge because he wanted to talk to me.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?" I asked him.

"No, there isn't anything wrong," He starts, "We haven't really had any time with each other, just us, alone. So, I'm taking you on a date tonight."

A wide smile forms on my face and pure excitement rushes through my body.

"Okay, dress casual or fancy?" I ask him.

"Dress fancy, we're going somewhere nice." He informs me.


I watched the trees and the tall building pass by through the window. Daniel and I were headed to the restaurant he booked reservations for. I didn't know where we were going as Daniel wanted me to find out when we got there.

It was quiet during the car ride and the music from the radio filled the silence. It wasn't an awkward type of silence, more like a comfortable silence. Daniel and I would glance at each other a few times, catching the other's gaze and then smiling, before he would have his complete focus on the road again.

The car ride went by fairly quickly and I soon realised we arrived when Daniel opened the car door– and I clearly wasn't paying attention –and called out my name, not knowing I was lost in my own thoughts.

He took my hand and we walked to the front of the restaurant that said, Arlington Restaurant. As we made our way inside, I noticed how fancy it really was. People were dressed in a suit and a tie and dresses that celebrities wore on the red carpet. How much did this even cost?, I thought.

We followed the lady to a table for two, with two chairs facing each other. A few moments later, a different worker came to us, giving us the menu and informing us that she would be our waiter for tonight.

I glanced over the menu, looking at what to eat. My eyes widened at the prices. Pasta for $68?

"These prices are crazy," I say looking up at Daniel. "How did you even get a reservation here? It must have costed I don't know, more than $200."

"It was actually $379," He shrugged and I raised my eyebrows and chuckled. "Plus, get anything you want. It's my treat and its we're on a date."

"I don't–"

"Thals, don't worry." He said, placing his hand on top of mine.

I sighed, "Fine, but next time, let's go somewhere more casual, I don't wan't you spending so much money on one date."

"I can't promise anything." He smiled and I just shook my head at him, the smile on my face not fading away.

I stared at Daniel as he smiled. He smiled brightly and showed his adorable cute gap. His cute little dimples on the sides of his cheek show and his eyes were as blue as the ocean. But as my eyes moved and focused on our surroundings, I noticed someone. Not just someone. They were here, but how?

Blair and my aunt are here, they're here in Los Angeles.

AN: Thank you to all the people that take the time to comment and vote on this story! We're close to 1.5k reads, that's crazy. I never would've expected for even 100 people to read my story. This story is going to have maybe 15 more chapter, or I'll hit the 50th chapter mark, and then it is sadly ending. Unfortunately, I'm not planning on doing a sequel, maybe if I think of a brilliant plot line, though I will be continuing my other two books, feelings and lost phone. I currently have about drafts for 2 new books but I don't know if I'm going to be publishing them yet (due to me already having 3 books to write and I want to finish them before I start a new book)

Thank you, again, everyone. Have a good day/night (depending on where you live!)

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