"Are you done rambling?" You asked.

"I'm not rambling, I'm explaining. There's a difference Y/N"

"Can you go?"

"Fine, I'll be back later" jimin ran a hand through his hair, messing it up. He left your hotel room.

You quickly changed into some sweats. You fell on your bed and must've fallen asleep because when you looked out the window next it was dark.

You looked at your phone. 50 emails, 29 texts, 5 missed calls.

A text from your boss saying to be to the concert location early. A email from Gucci saying you can get 50% off a new pair of shoes.

And.... a text from Jimin.

'How the hell did he get my number?' You thought.

'I'm sorry. I honestly just flirt with you because it's fun. Not that it's some stupid game to me. I really think you're cute any funny. But you're right. I need to be more professional'

'It's ok' you replied.

Not even a minute went by before he responded.

'We are ordering pizza if you'd like to come to our room, Namjoon brought a horror movie and hobi brought donuts'

'I'll think about it'

'Ok. If we don't see you, I hope you enjoy the rest of your night'

You set your phone down.

It was eerily quiet in your room. But below you on the streets, there was the normal bustle of evening LA.

Your hotel room suddenly seemed so big and quiet. You sighed and got up. You put on a pair of slippers and walked over to the boys room.

You knocked and waited a few seconds.

"Who is ittttt?" You heard Jhope say behind the door.

"It's Y/N"

The door opened.

"Tell her to wait a second. I don't have a shirt on" Jungkook said, hiding.

You stopped walking.

"Ok you can come in now" Jungkook said.

You walked in.

Rm and Jin were laying on a bed, suga and Jhope were laying on a pull out couch, Jungkook and tae were on the other bed, and jimin sat on the floor between the two beds. He had a blanket wrapped around him.

You went and sat next to him. He didn't acknowledge you at first, engrossed in what was on the tv.

Then he turned to you and looked into your eyes. "Cute pajamas Y/N"

"Thanks Jimin" you muttered.

"So what do you all want to watch?"  Namjoon asked.

"A horror movie of course" Jungkook said.

"Yeah!" Jhope said. "As long as it isn't a movie about Snakes"

"Y/N, what do you want to watch?" Suga asked.

"Uh, I'm fine with whatever" you said.

"Horror movie it is" Namjoon said.

"Seriously though, no snakes" Jhope said. "I hate snakes"

"Yes we know" Suga said. He turned to Namjoon. "Put on a snake movie"

"NO!" Jhope said.

"Let's just look and see what horror movies are available on demand" Namjoon said.

They scrolled through the selection.

"Let's watch the conjuring" Jin said.

"Anyone object?" Namjoon asked.

"Nah that seems good" tae said.

They clicked play and the movie started.

You were fine for the first half of the movie, then you there was a jump scare.

Jhope yelled. "What the hell?!"

"He's behind the damn door" Jungkook said.

Another jump scare jumped out. You yelled and grabbed onto Jimin.

Jimin looked at you, then wrapped his arms around you.

You got scared again and we're practically in Jimin's lap.

He sat cross legged and you sat in between them. His chest was to your back.

"Y/N, if you want to come up here, it's comfortable" tae said.

"She's ok, right Y/N?" Jimin said. His hands were on your hips.

You shrugged and turned back to the movie.

You heard tae whisper something to Jungkook, but you couldn't make out what he said.

Jimin's hands were hot on your hips even through the layers of clothing you were wearing.

He moved his hands up to your shoulders and massaged them.

The movie finally ended and the screen went dark.

"I'm still scared" Jin said.

"Me too" you said.

You got off Jimin's lap and sat on the ground next to him.

"I don't want to go back to my hotel room alone" you whispered.

"I'll sleep in your room tonight" jimin and tae said at the same time.

"There's an extra bed, so that's ok" you said.

You, tae, and jimin walked back to your room. You got in one bed and jimin and tae got in the other.

"Get good sleep for the show tomorrow" you said.

"Gotcha" tae said.

"Goodnight" Jimin said.

"Goodnight" you said.

And you fell into a deep sleep.

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