Characters taken + My characters.

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Jasmine- Delicada-Mariposa
Lief- Delicada-Mariposa
Barda- AnimeAddict2018
Dain (not evil)- Ashley_Kosaka
Manus- Ashley_Kosaka
Tira- Mariposa-delicada
Mother brightly-
Prandine - Real_Prandine

Name: Lief

Age: 16

Personality: usually calm and level headed. Seems to always over think things.

Appearance: blonde hair. Light blue green shirt, dark blue green pants. Black leather boots and cloak that is forever shifting colours in the sun. Plus the belt.

Backstory: lived a simple life as a black Smith with his parents. Until he went on the quest with barda and met Jasmine. Then found out he is the crown Prince.

Tribe: Del

Crush (if any): none

Weapon: Sword

Other: the carrier of the belt.

Name: Merliah

Age: 13

Personality: happy and bubbly. Can be very out bursts. And doesn't have almost any control of her emotions.

Appearance: waist length blonde hair that appears to be other light colours under different lights. Black knee high boots, black tights with sparkly dark purple tunic.

Backstory: lives alone after her parents took off when she was 7.

Tribe: Toran

Crush (if any): None

Weapon: bow and wooden staff (infused with her magic.) Small knife/blade often placed on the end of her staff, dagger in her boot.

Other: very acrobatic and agile. Can talk to/ understand animals. She is claustrophobic.

Name: Abbi

Age: 15

Personality: calm and peaceful. Always calm on the outside. Patient.

Appearance: Long black hair, lighter tanned skin, black-brown eyes, that sometimes flash and/or glow any colour... depending on her mood.
Wears black jeans, black tunics or blue tank top, black skirt, slave sandals or flat solved ankle boots.

Backstory: When she was really young she was friends with Merliah, After Merliah moved away. Abbi got a boyfriend. That turned out bad. After the terrible relationship, Abbi struck out on her own. She met Dain and Doom and ended up joining the resistance.

Tribe: Del/Toran

Crush: none

Weapon: Katana on her back, shuriken on her hip, metal nunchucks on the other side, and a small knife in her boot. Bow.

Other: She trained as an assassin when she was younger but never quite made it. Is a very, very good swimmer.

Password: amethyst. Unless you go by their 'powers' then it would be the topaz.

Name: Mira

Age: 15

Personality: quiet or loud depending upon her surroundings and group. Secretive, but only tells the truth.

Appearance: taller than your average Pirran, the height counteracted by her Toran blood, but still fairly short. With dark red hair, a mix of herv, grandmother's and by extension her father's, peoples red and her mother's black. She is slender in size with smaller more cat like than dog like ears. And wears brightly coloured clothes, symbols of her Toran ancestry. Purple pants and a gold tunic and a long sweeping red cloak, which acts much the same as Liefs, due to how Fellan robes usually act.
With brilliant emerald green eyes a Fellan trait.

Backstory: her maternal grandparents are both Tora. Her mother is Toran. Her paternal grandmother is Fellan. Her paternal grandfather is Pirran from the Auron tribe. Her father is half Fellan And Half Auron.
She and her father were travelling after the downfall of Tora and thus losing her mother. She got caught by the dread gnomes and her father escaped, but the gnomes had convinced him she was dead so he didn't rescue her.

Tribe: Auron, Toran, Fellan.

Crush: Abbi.

Weapon: magic and dagger

Auron, no magic.
Fellan, tame beasts, change her shape at will, speak to other Fellans through their mind and controlling the wind and other elements of forests, vanishing magic
Toran, shroud an area in mist, float through or make others float through the air with great speed when close to Tora.

She also contains the magic Fellan Artefacts, The Fleet ring, a ring made of tightly plaited horse hair, giving tha ability of speed.
And The crystal, a small knobbly crystal that gives light when there is none but has to be in contact with the user for it to work. Can also create a one way window through solid objects to see inside when pressed upon the surface.

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