iv. welcome to narnia

Start from the beginning

Jace clicked several buttons on the screen in front of them and sent a camera flying forwards; opening upon the screen to reveal the police attempting to get in, evidently having found the body, "so this cold blooded killer is going to help us?" Simon commented, Adelyn's mouth turning into a frown as she thought of the factor that she had done exactly the same as they had.

"He's not a killer," Adelyn defended, causing Simon to round on her with eyebrows raised.

Clary nodded in agreement, adding, "he's protecting us."

"Specifically you two," Jace stated, glancing at Simon with a cocky grin, "it's sort of our thing?"

"Your thing? You guys have a thing?"

Adelyn rolled her eyes at Jace's comment and Simon's jealousy, tempted to laugh as he looked at Clary as if to say 'then what's our thing?'.

"He means a shadowhunter thing," Clary clarified, "that's what they do, protect human's from demons."

"Demons? Right that makes perfect sense," Simon blabbed, sarcastically, "because there are demons running all over New York."

Adelyn smirked at him as Jace stated, "that is the first correct thing you've said all day."

"NYPD!" The police on the camera to the outside of the building called out.

"Will they find us?" Clary questioned worriedly as she glanced at them, Adelyn cocked her head to the side as she looked at the board; wondering why they didn't just open the door.

"No," Jace answered, "our wards will deter them."

"Open up!"

"And the NYPD will their typical mudie thing for a few hours and then the area will be clear."

From where she was standing, facing the board Adelyn did not hear his arrival arrival from behind, the voice that she immediately recognised, Alec's voice, sounding through the room causing her to twirl around to face him, "what is going on? Why is there a mundane in the Institute?"

Jace let out a heaving sigh before explaining to his friend, "a Circle member followed him here to get to Clary."

Alec's eyes shifted to Adelyn for a moment, staring at her for but a moment longer than usual before turning to look at the talking Clary with something akin to distain, "a Circle rune, just like the men who took my- our mother."

"What exactly is a Circle member?" Simon inquired, not fully catching up, "and why do they want to kill us?"

"Well, by the looks of things they want to spear Clary and I with their Light Sabers; no need to worry, Si," everybody looked taken aback by Adelyn's bluntness about them wanting her dead but she merely shrugged, looking between them all.

"All we know is," Jace began, breaking the silence, "a long time ago the Circle lead a revolt. A lot of shadowhunters got killed... including my father."

Adelyn looked at Jace with pity but he looked away quickly, she understood. Whenever she had mentioned about her father dying when she was a baby everybody gave her pity and said they were sorry; but nothing can change the factor that, in the end, they're still dead.

"And since the revolt," Alec continued on, watching them both, "we've been forbidden to even hear about the Circle."

"And this just got more Harry Potter like," Adelyn muttered to herself as Clary loudly questioned,

"But how is that even possible? It's your history?"

"Says the girl she and her sister didn't know were shadowhunters," Jace stared with a scoff, Adelyn smirked saying,

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