You should stay here with me. (Natsuki POV)

Start from the beginning

"I... Would like to hang out again. I'd do anything to get away from Papa..." I shivered at the thought of what he might do to me if he found out I kind of ran away. I mean i could just ignore him and stay with (Y/N) if I wanted to, but then again he could always find me. And I swear he could even kill me, I could see that furious, feral look on his face. The girl next to me seemed to have noticed my drained, fearful face and flashed me a sympathetic glance.

He hated me.

"I'm glad... Well I'm going to take a shower. Do you want to sleep in my bed? I can take the couch if it makes you more comfortable. As plush and fluffy this seat might be, it really puts strain on your body after a while... Or we could share the bed. It's king-sized."My pink eyes widened. How rich are (Y/N's) Parents? I couldn't help but feel a slight pang of jealousy towards her. I had to live in a shitshow.

"Well if you want... We could share..." I bit my lips as I said that. Honestly I just wanted some comfort of having someone there with me. Though as always I know I shouldn't push my luck, but were both girls, there's nothing wrong with sharing a bed? Plus I don't know if she even swings that way, not that I really cared to know at the moment. She nodded happily and slowly, but surely removed herself from me, now that her warmth was gone I could feel the slightly cool air send shivers down my spine.

"That's fine with me, I'll show you the way to my room." Beckoning me, she went through the doorway that she had earlier, and took a sharp right up some spiral stairs. It reminded me of something that I would see in some fantasy movie, with bright, polished stairways and decorations. Christmas lights were wrapped around the railing in a way that complimented it when it was dark out. It was pretty cool.

"I think I forgot to mention it, but your house a freakin' nice. Like holy shit." A small estatctic breath escaped my thin lips as I said that, I could hear my more gentle voice carry through the spacious hallway as we finally made our way up the stairs to the second floor. Her chuckle resonated through the red carpeted corridor.

"Thank you. I'm grateful that my parents have such good jobs, but it means that I rarely get to see them." (Y/N's) voice had a small hint of grief and sadness embedded in it. It was nice to hear that she was appreciative of what she had. I would figure that rich people were mostly naive and stuck up, thinking that anyone poorer than them had no competence. Though my friend was nice as she held open a door for me that led to her extremely cutely decorated bedroom. Her bedsheets looked fresh and recently made, which were white with (F/C) stripes near the corner. The huge bed had a white and gold trim bed frame, which seemed to glint with a friendly welcome. The white wall closest to me had a huge dresser where presumably her clothing was stored, along with space for smaller flat screen TV which was plugged haphazardly around some other long wires, that hooked up lamps and a desktop computer in the corner in front of the bed with a dark mahogany desk. Beside the bed was another door that was painted white also, and as the teen gestured me to get comfortable she went through that door. I assumed she even had her own private bathroom. Compared to my house this was like stepping into a palace, it kind of felt weird to admire my friend ut also be so jealous of her, Though just because she has all this stuff doesn't mean that her parents are nice, they could be the total opposite for all I know. I settled my pink bag down and wielded my fresh clothing, which was some grey sweatpants and a loose, agg T-shirt. I usually wore these for gym class because I couldn't afford the school's clothes, since Papa didn't give me much I had to save up money from all the times he'd leave spare change around, even between the couch cushions. Sometimes I wish I had a job, maye then I could buy some food for myself, even a few mangas. I was about to change out of my uniform ut then I realized that I was in (Y/N's) room. Her room. With my cheeks heating up I gape open my mouth and call to the door where she was taking refuge in.

"Uh, (Y/N) do you mind if I change in your room?" The sounds of running water answered my response for a moment, but then a cute giggle echoes from the bathroom. I felt like a huge dummy for asking such a thing, We are both girls, it's no different when I'm changing in the locker rooms for gym. Though I usually went to the nearby bathrooms behind the stalls to change, I was rather insecure about my skinny, starved body. Sometimes I wonder if people though I purposely starved myself. I curse myself at the thought, I pray to whatever higher being is up in the sky that they didn't think such a horrible thing.

"Of course!" To be honest I felt pretty awkward, my throat was tightening a bit as I gulped.

"Okay! Thanks dude." I replied back and undressed myself hastily since I didn't want to be caught half naked just in case. Even when I was in my undergarments no harsh cold air violated my body, it was super cozy inside. The house itself probably had some decent heating systems and insolation. Fall and winter time were probably my least favorite seasons, since my small body freezes up so fast I have to layer up to the point where I am almost sweating when I go inside. I really wanted the summer to come. The beach was the my favorite place to be when it got hot out, I had even brought the whole Literature club with me a few times and spent the whole day with them. It was actually pretty nice, despite myself feeling like I wasn't cared for, I knew for a fact that people did. My friends. With a gentle sigh I crawled up (Y/N's) huge bed and curled up into a ball on the farthest side, feeling the mattress embrace my tiny body. God it felt like I was sleeping on a cloud, I could practically feel myself sink into the soft mattress as I situated myself and draped a folded duvet over my head. The blanket itself was one of those super soft ones that were heavy, velvety and fluffy. This place was truly some type of palace. I should write a poem about this sometime. It was dark as my eyelids shut and I could hear the sound of running water stop. After a few moments of rustling and other noises from the bathroom, I heard footsteps draw near to me and then a body joining me, the bed let out a quiet squeak as the mattress was now bearing the weight of another person.

"Hey, you awake?" The girl whispered in my direction, it was a quiet whisper that was barely audible.

"Yeah..." I replied, turning over to face my friend who flashed a smile at me when I opened my eyes. The heat in my body rushed to my cheeks as I realized how ridiculously close we had gotten in just a few days. It was honestly kind of weird, but in a good way.

"Just wanted to make sure, are you comfortable?" With that query I let out a small giggle.

"This is honestly the most comfortable bed I've ever laid on. I'm more than fine!" Flashing my tiny fangs at her, I could see the teen blush? Maybe just a little.

"I'm glad..." The air fell silent for a moment as she trailed off. "May I ask you a few questions? About... Your father?" Her voice was faltering a bit as she asked, there was almost a anxious glint in her eyes as they averted their gaze on my own face. My body sank a little more into the fluffy mattress as I shifted a little and took a shallow breath.

"Well that you're basically the one who knows my secret, minus well. Well at least the first one to confirm my.... Situation." The word 'abuse' got stuck in my throat, it was like my conscious refused to think such a thing even though I knew it was true. As much as I hated my father, I still somehow loved him, I wanted to see that warm, friendly smile again....

"How long has he been doing this for?"

"Uhhh about ten to... Twelve years?" Honestly it had been so long that I couldn't really keep track of how old I was when he started to torment me.

"God, I am so sorry... I wish I could do more... I mean. M-maybe you could. Stay? Here? " All at once i could feel half of my heart sore and the other half sink. Papa would kill me if I did.

Tasty Love [DDLC] (Natsuki x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now