Chapter 3: The Stability of an Empire

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Sitting in her regal chair, Bryn assumed a dominating posture, and met the eyes of each of the lords. They each seemed to cower under her gaze, not wanting to be reprimanded for looking at her the wrong way. Bryn took it as a sign that she was being properly intimidating.

"Let us begin the meeting, then." Bryn at last broke the silence.

The lords looked somewhat unsure, though a few nodded.

Bryn met the gaze of Lord Centradel, one of the most powerful lords of Suth. "Lord Centradel. There have been many reports of revolts in Continent Suth. You are of the most powerful lords of Suth, correct?"

Lord Centradel, one of the oldest lords at the table, looked rather comfortable, even with the question. "Indeed I am, Empress."

"Then what can you say for yourself regarding these revolts?"

"All I can say, Empress, is that the Ventis of Continent Suth are sorely misguided. Your rule is undisputed, and they are fools to question it."

Bryn scowled, meeting his eyes.

"B-But, of course, you meant what I was doing to stop it." Lord Centradel hastily recovered. "My generals are hard at work discussing tactics to scare the population into submission. The Guard is also weeding out the Ventis who object to your rule as we speak. I assure you, these are nothing more than fools acting drunkenly."

"Oh?" Bryn said. "And what of Chesraw? Was that just 'fools acting drunkenly'?"

"I cannot speak of Chesraw; my Continent is Suth." Lord Centradel answered smoothly.

Hmm...a clever answer. There was certainly a reason Lord Centradel had lasted so long at Suth. That being said, he wouldn't go without reprimand. Bryn had to make sure the Suth lords knew she was still in charge.

"While your actions are correct, Lord Centradel, your initial lack of suppression of these revolts as well as lazy enforcement of my rule in Suth is disappointing. I'm sure you will fix these issues, but for now I will be taking some of your land. Your orders are, along with putting down these rebels, to train further guards there instead."

Lord Centradel paled, and was clearly unhappy with having his land taken away. He almost looked like he was about to object, but a severe look from Bryn silenced him.

"Yes, Empress."

Bryn nodded, and turned her attention to another of the lords, Lord Pelleas. He was the replacement for the now deceased Lord Gotch, and was now the lord with foremost control over military activity in the north of Suth.

"Lord Pelleas. I hear there was an attempt on your life."

Lord Pelleas nodded, a sly grin on his face. There was always one of two reactions new lords had when first meeting with Bryn. Either fearful submission in the face of her dominating and intimidating air, or smug confidence as they underestimated her. Pelleas seemed to be the latter. Bryn could see it in his eyes; he was the type to think little of a young woman such as Bryn. He was also the type Bryn would have to cut down before he got too full of himself.

"Enlighten me." She went on. "Was it one of your own officers, or merely a group of Ventis rebels?"

Lord Pelleas frowned, seeming insulted by the suggestion his officers committed betrayal. Good. That was what Bryn wanted.

"My officers are incredibly loyal, a trait to be had within every soldier." Lord Pelleas said with some indignation. "Indeed, it had to have been rebel Ventis. Not to worry, however. I will be sure to repay the population in kind. They will know not to attempt anything against me."

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