Under the book I look and notice it's an application form for an Avatar program. "Hm?" I move my books to the side and log into my computer. I go to my google browser and type in the following words

Avatar programs near me

There was one real close by it was in Daegu South Korea and I lived in Busan. I could take a train there. I start to do my research and I find out that the Avatar program is training scientists to take them to a planet named Pandora. The planet is said to have rich wildlife and vegetation. The whole point of the program is to link scientists into Avatars which is a hybrid using the DNA of the linker and the DNA of natives they like to call Na'vi.

From there the Avatar drivers would make peace with the natives and humans. You would get to see plants up close and study them. You would become one with the natives or simply become an ally. I grab the application and fill it out. Now I know there is no way I'll be accepted but for good measures I began to write an essay as to why they should allow me to enter the program.

I can't tell appa about this because if I do...he would disown me and throw me into the streets.

A few weeks later

I was reading the book on Pandora Botany by Grace Augustine when there was a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in." My eomma entered with a stack of mail. She looked out the door then she closed it and sat on the chair across from me. "Here." She moved some letters aside and handed me a yellow folder with a sticker that says Avatar Program. "Open it."

I looked at my eomma and for once I saw something in her eyes I've never seen before.


I rip open the envelope and a booklet falls out along with another white envelope. I tear open the envelope and pull the letter out. "Read it out loud."

I clear my throat and begin to read the contents of the letter.

Dear Min Hak-guk

We have received your application on March 10,2109 and we are pleased to announce that you have been accepted into our Avatar program. However seeing as though you are quite young it would be most beneficiary if you come to the Avatar Program in United States California. That way you will be trained further in the quest of going to Pandora.

Once you have been trained by the very best in California you will be stationed in Daegu South Korea to finish off your Avatar training.

There are two airplane tickets for California in the pink envelope. We hope to see you here very soon. Once again congratulations

Grace Augustine

I glance at my eomma and see her sit there. Soon I notice tears forming in her eyes. "You must go."I grab her hand and kiss her knuckles. "What will appa say?" She looks down at her lap then she looks at me with a sad look on her face. "Don't think about him for once and think about your future. Do you really want to work at a steel factory like your father everyday of your life!?"

This is the most she has spoken,but she makes valid points. "How about you come with me!" I pull out the pink envelope and open it to reveal two plane tickets. "You are unhappy here with appa and he isn't trying to make an effort to make you happy. Come with me eomma! Please! If I am to go I need you there with me." She looks at the tickets then she looks at me. "Honey I would love nothing more then to go with you...but I can't leave your father sadly."

Reality is a nightmare (Tsu'tey love story)Where stories live. Discover now