I cross my arms,"What makes you think we will agree to this?"

     She glares at me,"Protection. We aren't forcing you to join us, but if you don't, when you walk out of this compound you will be as good as dead. Now that you know all of this information they will stop at nothing to kill all of you. With us you will learn to fight, shoot, throw knives, even face your fears. Let's face it, you need us." I sit there glaring at her. We wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for them. We never asked to be apart of this.

   She smirks with victory,"So. Do we have a deal?"

   "We don't really have a choice here now do we?" Tobias snaps.

    She keeps the smrik plastared on her face,"Very well then. Welcome to the Allegiant. You may go now. Tomorrow morning meet us here at 10:00 to start your training. Oh and for now all of you will have to share the same room just for tonight then we will get your perminant rooms." She hands us all a key. Wow this is going to suck! Being stuck in a room with all of these people. Especially with Zeke and Uriah. I won't smell to good that's for sure.

     When everyone is walking out the door Evelyn stops Tobias,"Stay here for a second." He looks over at me and grabs my hand telling me to stay with him. I smile and we walk over to Evelyn with Mason in my other hand.

    When Evelyn sees me she glares at me,"May I help you?"

    Before I can say anything Tobias cuts her off,"If you wish to talk to me then she is staying as well."

    Her eyes move down to our attached hands then back up to my face. Once again glaring. I get the feeling she doesn't like me. I mean you feel it to right? Yikes,"This is the girl that just left you for two years? I can see you two made up."

    Tobias glares right back at her,"Yes this is her, but she's not like someone I know who left for almost my entire life."

    She doesn't respond. Her eyes just move to Mason,"So this must be my grandchild."

     "Yes this is our child." He replies with coldness filling his voice and completly ignoring the wole grandchild part. 

     "He looks exactly like you when you were this age." She comments.

      "I'm surprised you remember considering you just bolted out of my life." He spits out.

     She looks at him like he is insane,"Of course I remember. Look Tobias, I'm sor-"

     He cuts her off,"No don't you dare say you are sorry. If you were so sorry you would have come back for me instead of leaving me there with that monster. What did you want anyway?"

   She has a flash of guilt in her eyes, but it goes away quickly,"I wanted to talk to you about your sister."

    His eyes widen,"Crap. She is okay right? Because-"

   Evelyn cuts him off,"She is fine I got her out before Marcus or Justin could find her. We aren't sure if they were going to do anything to her so I just got her just in case."

    "Where is she now?" Tobias asks with a hint of protectiveness in his voice.

     "She's here. She's staying at my place." Evelyn answers.

      "She's knows your her mom? I mean you left when she was little." Tobias says.

    "Where do you think your siblings stayed when they were gone for four years?" She asks with her eyebrows raised.

     "That's where they went!?"Tobias asks shocked.

      She nods,"That's when I kind of had the clue that maybe Justin isn't as kind as he seems to be."

Life Must Go On: Divergent High sequelWhere stories live. Discover now