"Who are you ? So it's fuck basketball too like this is not you ." I said trying to understand.

"Basketball ain't helping me get to this money and pussy." He smirked at another girl that went pass.

"Hey Smoke." She said waving pass.

He was in a trance so I snap him out of it.

"No you're not serious right now come on your going back to Malias ." I said grabbing his arm pulling him to my car.

He quickly snatched away from me and stared at me like I was crazy.

"This is my home. The streets. Tell Malia I love her but I aint going no where. You need to hop back in the car and go home its been hot on this block Imma be good." He told me.

My mouth dropped as I looked at him, he wasn't even himself. He had so much pain in his eyes I don't know what to say. I slowly walked back to my car and got in. He wasn't gone listen to me even if I tried, I had to call Malia. I looked over at him one last time and pulled off.


I grabbed the bags for the car and shut the door back. Soon as I started walking I heard a call roll up in the front of the house and loud music playing. I turned around and seen Key hanging out a car window. She blew smoke out her mouth and just stared at me.

"Oh Ayanaaa." She sung.

"The fuck you doing at my house." I said looking at Golden barbie in the passenger.

"Me and my bestie was just strolling in the neighborhood and decided to stop by my baby daddy house ." She said.

I scrunched my face up and looked at her.

"Oh he still hiding our daughter from you? I'm sorry I thought the bastard would've told you by now. All that studio time or hanging out with his boys-- lies he's coming to visit her. Tell him she needs more clothes and misses her daddy ." She she turning around looking at the little girl in the backseat.

She stared back at me and waved hi too me.

"Oh and Tell Malia we got something for that ass, lets get outta here." She chuckled as Golden hit the gas and pulled off.

I stood back in shock and walked into the house.

"Tae." I yelled slamming the bags down.

Oh he had a lot of explaining to do.


"Yeah I want to drop it tomorrow. Everything sounds great." I said talking on the phone walking in the house.

"I gotchu the cover is also sent to your email. Have a goodnight." My producer said before hanging up.

I put the Chinese takeout on the table and walked up the steps into my room. Lamar and the kids was all sleeping peacefully together, I smiled and took a picture. Looked like the kids and being at the label wore him out. I put more cover over scooted Miley off the edge, she was a wild sleeper. I guess the movements woke up Lamar .

"Hey." I said to break the silence.

"Wassup you just getting in." He asked sitting up whispering.

"Yeah. I'm really tired Imma going to hit the shower." I said starting to walk to my closet.

"Malia let's talk before you do that." He said standing up.

"Let's go downstairs. I bought dinner but y'all in here sleep." I said walking out the room with him behind me.

"My bad we was up chilling I don't know what happened but I made chicken nuggets and fries before they went to sleep."He said.

"Good. Imma make us a plate ." I said opening the food bag.

"Malia." Lamar said.

"Yeah." I said looking up to me.

"Do you still love me." He asked me.

I chuckled and gave him his plate and sat across from him.

"Lamar why would you ask me that silly question. Of course." I said.

"I really just want to apologize for everything I've been doing these couple of days. I've been fucking up and I don't ever want to hurt you. I don't know where my head been at lately I just been on go and didn't realize what I was doing, especially to you." He told me.

"I mean I understand, is there something bothering you ?" I asked .

"Nah just that Carly situation had a nigga everywhere." He said.

"I see ." I said wiping something off his cheek .

"What's been up with you. I know you been mad at me but tell me about your day ." He said.


I begin to tell him everything that's been going on and everything I wanted to let off my chest.we just ate, chilled, and talked. I felt good to finally have my baby back and we was cool because I wanted to kill him last night .

"I need to get our these clothes and take my shower babe." I said scrapping our plates away.

"Damn I can't get no invite ." He said as I walked up to him giving him a hug and kiss.

"Hmm how about you get the kids in their own beds and I'll get the shower ready for us." I said.

He licked his lips and nodded his head.

"Bet might as well start on baby number 2." He said pecking my lips slapping my ass jogging up the steps.

"Boy you wish ." I chuckled shaking my head.

Soon as I started walking up the stairs the door bell rang.

"Who is that." Lamar yelled.

"I got it baby." I said looking at the cameras before going to the door.

I quickly opened it and it was Ayana standing there crying. She just looked at me and pulled me into a hug.

"He cheating on me." She choked out.

"And Malik in a gang." She cried harder.

My eyes got big. Here we go.



Is that Tae's baby? (Think back in book 1)

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