Earth Jumper Pt. 3 - H.R. Wells

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" H.R. asked, concern filling his voice.

You nodded your head.

"Are you sure?"

You shook your head as H.R. sat up and turned on a bedside lamp. "What's wrong?"

"I had a dream, its kinda stupid," you mumbled, covering your head with a blanket.

H.R. removed the blanket from your head. "Tell me about it."

You hesitated. "I know it wouldn't ever happen, it just scared me."

"And you think that's stupid? Y/n, it scares me to know that if I ever had to go back to my earth I wouldn't be able to have coffee ever again. Believe me, your fears are probably more valid than mine," H.R. reasoned, pulling you into a comforting hug.

You giggled at his comment before being reminded of your dream, feeling your eyebrows crease. "Anyways, I don't think it matters. It wouldn't ever happen," you tried. Looking out at the window that over looked the cityscape, you whispered under your breath, "Hopefully."

"I heard that!" H.R. exclaimed, releasing you from his hug.

You gave him a quick glance before looking down at your fingers, which were messing with a loose string on one of H.R.'s shirts you were wearing.

"I don't know why you can't just tell me. You of all people should be able to trust me," H.R. said. The room stayed silent as you continued to stare down at the black strings of the old shirt. "You do trust me, right?" You heard his voice crack into a whisper, as if he were desperate to know what you thought of him. 

Finally, you looked up at him. "You were with another girl." You said this so quietly that you weren't even sure you heard it yourself.

H.R. looked up at you and his eyes narrowed. "So, you had a dream that I cheated?"

You nodded your head, now avoiding his lingering gaze on you.

"You don't think I would actually do that, do you?" He almost sounded hurt as he talked.

Slowly, you hung your head and shook it. You felt bad. Of course he wouldn't do something that low.


You continued to look down at the ground, not wanting to confront what was to happen.

"Look at me." H.R. took your hands in his and sat in front of you on your bed.

After about a minute of sitting there holding his hands, you finally decided to look up at him. His eyes were slightly glossed over, like tears would form in his eyes at any second if the wrong thing was said.

"I would never do anything to hurt you. You or the baby. I love you both so much," H.R. whispered, not breaking eye contact with you.

"I know," you said quietly, pressing your lips together.

"And why would I want any other girl when I married the hottest person on all of the Earths combined?"

You felt your cheeks heat up as you brought your knees up to your chest to hide your face. "Shut up," you mumbled.

"Its true," H.R. said, his voice a bit deeper than it was a few moments ago. "I am the luckiest man alive."

You looked up at his sudden change of tone in his voice and felt the urge to jump on top of him, but you resisted it.

"And," He continued, tucking a stray piece of your hair behind your head. "I-" He kissed the bottom of your neck. "Love-" He kissed the middle of your neck. "You-" The top of your neck. "So-" Corner of your lips. "Much-"

You grabbed his face and started to kiss him. It felt different than the other times, though. It felt better, more definite. Even better than when you got married.

As you continued to kiss him, you pushed him back as you straddled his lower abdomin. His hands messed with the hem of your shirt as your hands went up to his hair. His hands almost went under your shirt when-

You groaned as b/n (Baby name of your choice) began to cry loudly. Reluctantly, you got off of your husband and walked slowly into her room. You picked her up out of her crib and began to rock her back and forth until she slowly drifted back to sleep.

You watched her sleep peacefully as H.R. came up and hugged you from behind, his chin resting on your left shoulder.

"This is why I love you," he whispered, watching b/n sleep. "You're such an amazing mother."

You smiled as you turned yourself around to face H.R., his arms still trapping you in a hug.

"You said you were lucky," you said, wrapping your arms around his waist. "But I think you were the best thing to happen to me. I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you."

He kissed your forehead in response and carefully picked you up bridal style and quietly brought you back to your room.

He laid you on your side of the bed and tucked you in. "If you have another bad dream, tell me, okay? I don't care how late it is."

You nodded your head, yawning. As he got into the other side of the bed, you felt yourself begin to drift off into a dreamless sleep.

What did I do to deserve him? You thought as you felt his arms go around your waist. You then fell asleep, feeling more confident in your relationship with this man than you ever had before.



I hope you guys enjoyed this, it was fun to write. (Although im not very good at writing the.. Uh.. Lovey dovey kissy stuff. I need help with that!!)

Have a good day, requestes are as always open. I love you all.

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