It was hard for her poor legs to walk all the way around the beach, up the trail, and back to the cliff she had jumped from, but she knew it was her only choice.

So, she stood at the edge of the water, took a deep breath, and jumped into the freezing ocean.

She was going to get answers, no matter what it took.


For Henri, letting that girl go was one of the hardest things he had ever done. But he had heard her, "I wish I could take it all back, that I never jumped. That I could start over, be someone new. But I can't." He had found a way that she could. His mother had been able to reverse the siren's bite, to erase her memories, to turn her human again. And he left her on the beach like he should've from the very beginning. He had forgotten that she was simply human, oh so fragile. He had been painfully reminded of that as he watched her scream in agony just hours before.

But she's okay now, he reminded himself. Maurice was dead and she was gone. He was back as Captain, and all was as it should be.

So why was he waiting for her to come back? He knew she wouldn't have a clue about what happened. She would go back to her life, back to Micah.

And yet, he listened to the waves, waiting for someone to enter the ocean. Waiting for her like the fool he was. It had been an hour since he left her on the beach and he assumed she was conscious by then. But nothing happened, so he gave up.


She knew it was dangerous, she knew it was stupid, but as Karis fell she didn't regret a thing. She braced for impact as the water SMACKED against her legs. Maybe she should start taking diving classes...
As soon as she hit the water little by little memories started coming back to her. The boy who had saved her life would come, a voice in her head told her. He always had before.

But Karis didn't know how to swim, and as the surface began to seem farther and farther away, the water getting darker, getting colder, her hope was replaced with fear. She started kicking her legs and waving her arms around frantically, trying to stop sinking so quickly. She wondered if she would die there, if she really was crazy.

And then she saw a hand reaching for her.


Henri was, honestly, shocked. He hadn't expected her to jump right back off the same cliff into the ocean. He waited. Waited for her to swim out, and then he remembered she couldn't swim. Crap crap crap! He thought. This would ruin everything. Start the whole thing all over again, although, he had to admit, a part of him was happy.
He swam as fast as he could, urging the current to pull him toward her as fast as possible, not bothering to put a pocket of air around himself so he wouldn't be wet. And there she was, pale skin looking light blue in the water, her dark hair blocking her face as she sank, letting out her last breath. He grabbed her hand, wrapped the two of them in air, and pulled Karis toward the shore.
Please tell me I'm not too late, he prayed in his head.

Just not this time.


Karis awoke, as before, with a stranger's lips pressed against her own. It took her a moment to realize it was Henri doing mouth to mouth again. Henri? Again? Everything came back to her and she realized all that had happened. She sat straight up and he jumped back, gasping. A large grin spread across his face.
"Henri?" Karis asked, looking into his sea green/blue/grey eyes, and realizing she could drown in them.
"I thought you wouldn't come back," he said, sitting just inches away from her, grinning. She smiled, amused at his reaction, as if he wanted her to come back.
"But I did."
"You did," he said, urging her on, his wet, messy dark hair plastered against his forehead. "But why?"
Karis paused, not breaking eye contact, ignoring the cold wind blowing against her wet clothes and skin. "Because I wanted answers."
He seemed a bit disappointed, but he nodded.
"And, because I think that maybe, just maybe, I really like you."
"But..." his smile faded. "What about Micah? What about wanting to start over again? I gave you the chance to go back," he began, "and you stayed. Why?"
She wondered how he remembered back to all that. "Micah was my best friend, but he passed away last year." Her voice was solemn as she spoke. "When I said I wanted to start over, I... I didn't know what starting over meant. I hate my life Henri, I hate my father. I hate every part about myself and my existence and I always have."
This seemed to sadden him.
"But," she looked at him and smiled. "I want to come with you. I already miss your city and the people there. And I know nobody will miss me back at home. Please, please take me with you Henri," Karis begged him.
And then he smiled, offering his hand to pull her up. "Of course I will."
And then he kissed her.

" And then he kissed her

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Of Book One...

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