Jongin squeezed a bit of shampoo onto his palm and rubbed the shampoo into Kyungsoo's hair, gently massaging Kyungsoo's scalp with his soapy fingers. Kyungsoo hummed in delight at the calming feeling of Jongin washing his hair for him and leaned back into Jongin's touch, closing his eyes and letting himself doze off.

But then, Jongin stood up and left the bathtub, which just made Kyungsoo feel confused and alone. Jongin leaned over and pulled out a purple plastic bottle from under the sink. Catching the confused look Kyungsoo had on, Jongin said, "I brought this with us from my home because I wanted to try sitting in a bath full of bubbles for once. It seemed fun."

Kyungsoo's eyes immediately lit up and he reached for the bottle in Jongin's hand and Jongin chortled as he handed the purple bottle over to Kyungsoo and crawled back into the bathtub and took his seat behind Kyungsoo, draping his legs on either side of Kyungsoo so his thighs were squeezing Kyungsoo's hips.

Kyungsoo poured the soap into the warm water of the bath. He started to gasp and squeal when the bubble bath soap took effect almost immediately.

"Jongin, there's so much bubbles!" Kyungsoo shrieked as he gathered a handful of soap into his pale hands and squeezed the bubbles in his hands. "It's so fluffy. Look at it. It looks so warm, and fun, and I just want to play around with it forever..." Kyungsoo's voice slowly quietened down until all Kyungsoo was doing was mumbling to himself about how nice the bubbles looked.

Kyungsoo shifted his position a little so that he could look at Jongin and he took a glop of soap before smearing it on Jongin's cheeks.

"Kyungsoo!" Jongin pouted as Kyungsoo giggled and turned back around.

Jongin took a handful of water from some area that wasn't surrounded by layers of white, spongy soap and poured the water slowly over Kyungsoo's head to wash away the soap in Kyungsoo's hair. Kyungsoo squealed and shut his eyes so he didn't get soap in his eyes when he felt the water run down the front of his face before he carefully wiped his face with his hands and made sure not to get any soap anywhere near his eyes.

Kyungsoo scooted backwards a little again when he felt like he had shuffled a little too far away from Jongin and rested his head back right under Jongin's chin.

"How's the pain in your back? Is it getting better?" Jongin asked as he nuzzled the back of Kyungsoo head and placed a kiss right on the nape of Kyungsoo's neck.

"Much better," Kyungsoo smiled. "I can barely even feel it anymore. Maybe my muscles were just really tense and I had to loosen them up a bit."

Jongin hummed against the crook of Kyungsoo's neck as he trailed light kisses up and down the side of Kyungsoo's neck. Kyungsoo just let Jongin do what he wanted as he relished in the feeling of Jongin's plump lips against his skin. Seeing as to how Kyungsoo seemed to be relaxing and dozing off, Jongin slowly crept a hand to Kyungsoo's front and placed his hand on Kyungsoo's thigh before his hand slowly made its way in between Kyungsoo's legs. Kyungsoo's eyes flew open when he felt a large hand sneaking down to his balls under the water and he quickly smacked it away.

"Jongin," Kyungsoo said warningly, "don't you dare. We are not starting this again."

Jongin pouted and whined, "Why not?"

"Because I'm still sore and I'm in no mood to have sex in the bathtub," Kyungsoo said flatly. "Keep your dick away from me or I will cut it off."

"One, you'll kill me if you did that, and two, you know you love my dick so don't even try," Jongin smirked. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes but he felt heat rush to his cheeks when he felt something hard settle in between his butt cheeks. "See? I'm already hard. Can't you do something to relieve my poor needy ding-a-ling?"

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