Me, Myself, and I

Start from the beginning

I throw the apple core into the trash can and walked out the door of my room. I was greeted with the all too familiar hallway that had red carpet and the same exotic green wallpaper. I get into the elevator and preset the ground floor button. I waited as the elevator went from the 3rd floor, which was the top floor, went to the ground floor.

When the elevator door opened up I summoned my 2 weapons on my back which where the Type-3 sword and Type-3 blade.

When the elevator door opened up I summoned my 2 weapons on my back which where the Type-3 sword and Type-3 blade

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Type-3 sword

Type-3 blade

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Type-3 blade

My swords were being held on my back by 2 yellow rings.

"I will keep my promise to the previous owner of these blades" I say to my self.

I walk out of the hotel's door and into into the open forest of large trees. Surrounding the hotel was a wall of metal that I built. The hotel was built on a small hill outside the so called Forest Kingdom that was ran by a group of machines that have been disconnected from the network.

I walk out the metal gate on the metal wall and saw 4 small stubby machines with wrench like hands, I call them wrenches. 2 small two legged machines with swords, I call then hoppers because some times they will hop and dive at you. And lastly there was a big 2 legged machine with a axe, I call those rooks, why you may ask, because I didn't know what else to name that type. I pull my great sword off of my back and held it with two hands. When they see me they look at me with their red lit eyes.

"Pod, take care of the wrenches and hoppers, I will take care of the rook" I state.


I run at the rook and it tried to hit me with its axe. I held my sword up and blocked it's axe. I then let go of with one of my hands and grabbed my light sword and swiped down cutting it's axe handle in half. As the machine staggers back I kick it backwards then swung my great sword in a vertical cylindrical motion cutting down the middle of the machine. The machine then split in half and fell to the ground.

Nier Automata: Human (Nier Automata x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now