
Calum gave me a smile and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards everyone else (except for Luke, who was probably still upstairs texting that person) who was sat around the pizza boxes, chatting amongst themselves.

Calum pulled me to down next to him, lazily throwing his arm around my shoulders and pulling out his phone.

“Let’s take a selfie.”

I raised my eyebrows and giggled, leaning closer towards him to take the picture. He opened the camera app and I saw his eyes widen and his tongue stick out, posing for the pictures.

After a few pictures were taken, Calum locked his phone and I grabbed a slice of pizza. Luke joined us not too soon after and took a seat next to me, giving me a friendly smile and getting a slice of pizza also.

“Took you long enough to join us, Luke.” Ashton spoke from beside Emily and Michael, a smirk placed on his face. “What were you doing?”

Luke’s face turned a light shade of pink quickly, and he took a bite of his pizza slice before speaking.

“Texting my mum,” Luke shrugged. “She wants me to come visit soon.”

“Maybe you can take Toby,” Ashton leans back onto his hands and glares at Luke. “I’m sure Toby wouldn’t mind going with you.”

There’s tension in the air as Luke and Ashton glare at each other, and I’m sure that only Michael and Calum knows what it’s all about. I’m guessing that Ashton’s jealous of this Toby guy because he hangs out with Luke a lot more than Ashton does. Whatever it is, it should end.

“Instead of you two fucktards glaring at each other,” Michael spoke up, breaking the silence. “We should  play truth or dare because Cazy seriously has no good movies whatsoever.”

“Hey!” I playfully glare over at Michael and raise my hand up to hold it over my heart, as if what he said hurt. “There are some good movies!”

“Not many, and the ones that are good I’ve seen like, twenty times already. Sorry Caz.” Michael chuckled. “Alright, everyone help me move the pizza boxes so we can play.”

The boys help move everything and then sit back down in the same places that they were before. Calum’s arm goes around my shoulder like it did earlier and in the corner of my eye I can see Luke glaring at him. But I brush it off.

“Alright, since I came up with the idea, I get to go first. Ashton, truth or dare buddy.” Michael looks to his left at Ashton, giving him a smirk.


Michael rubs his hands together, as if he was evil or something, and begins to think of a dare for Ashton. Once he finally does, he stands up and grabs a piece of pizza before heading into the kitchen. When he returns, horse radish is spread all over the slice of pizza and Michael joins us back at the circle we were sitting in.

“I dare you to eat all of this.”

Ashton shrugs, but I can tell that he’s kind of scared to eat it by the way that he gulps. He smells it and makes a face before taking a tiny bite of it.

“Do I really have to eat all of it?”

Michael groans, nodding his head. “Yes, Ash! You picked dare, now finish it.”

Ashton frowns, but manages to eat the pizza in a little less than five minutes. When he’s done, he rushes to the kitchen and screams, “Holy shit!”

Laughter fills my living room and we all wait for Ashton to return.

After a little bit of playing, and having Calum lick Ashton’s big toe, it’s Emily’s turn and she’s staring directly at me. I groan and throw my head back, grabbing Calum’s attention. His arm was still around my shoulders, and Luke was still pissed.

Ashton's Best Friend | luke au (SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now