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LEADER: Dapplestar- a cream and brown patched she-cat with green eyes

DEPUTY: Clearwater- a light grey tom with darker stripes and amber eyes

MEDICINE CAT: Sandtongue- a pale ginger colored she-cat with amber eyes

MED APPRENTICE: Ashtail- a grey and white seal tip she-cat with blue eyes


Sparrowcry- a small light brown she-cat with amber eyes APPRENTICE: Emberpaw

Mapleleaf- a ruddy tom with green eyes

Minnowscale- a blueish-silver she-cat with amber eyes and a white paw

Blackpelt- a black tuxedo pattern tom with yellow eyes and a stub for a tail APPRENTICE: Pebblepaw

Cottonear- white long furred tom with grey patches with blue eyes

Goosefeather- a tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes APPRENTICE: Brightpaw

Treefall- a dark tabby tom with green eyes APPRENTICE: Freepaw

Cloverheart: a pretty white she-cat with a fluffy tail and green eyes

Tawnybird- a brown tom with darker stripes with a bright ginger tail tip and blue eyes

Honeynose- a yellowish ginger tom with amber eyes

Flowerstem- a calico she-cat with amber eyes

Amberdrop- a bright ginger striped she-cat with yellow eyes

Laureldown- a black and white she-cat with one blind and one green eye

Silverbreeze- a silver striped she-cat with amber eyes


Emberpaw- a calico she-cat with blue eyes

Pebblepaw- a dark grey tom with a lighter marking on his chest and green eyes

Brightpaw- a tabby she-cat with a white underbelly and yellow eyes

Freepaw: a dark tabby tom with white paws, tail tip and underbelly. Yellow eyes


Hollybend- a white she-cat with reddish-brown markings and blue eyes

Adderfang- an old black colored she-cat with yellow eyes


Featherkit- a ginger she-cat with blue eyes

Russetkit- a reddish-tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Mousekit- a small black tom with amber eyes


Boldstripe- a dark grey tom with black stripes, a crippled foot and pale green eyes

Berrystain- a pale ginger she-cat with brighter patches and amber eyes.


LEADER: Claystar- a faded tabby tom with blue eyes

DEPUTY: Phoenixheart- a Dark Reddish-ginger she-cat with green eyes

MEDICINE CAT: Darkfoot- a black tom with a torn ear and amber eyes


Greysky- a light grey tom with green eyes APPRENTICE: Wasppaw

Hollowstep- a large white tom with amber eyes

Redmark- a white tom with ruddy patches and yellow eyes

Gildedflight- a golden tabby she-cat with green eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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