Misery, Tragedy, And All Their Friends

Start from the beginning

"Come in. You're staying here tonight. I'm not taking no for an answer. Frankie take your sister up to Cam's room there's an extra bed. You can sleep in Jo's room."

"Thank you."[Frankie and Gia go upstairs after we hear the doors shut Jay comes downstairs he says:]

"Hey. You're safe here. I'll put your car in the back garage."

"I don't know how I got here."

"All that matters is that you got out."

"Erin there's something wrong with my husband and it's making him hurt me. The man that I married is fading away and is being replaced with this cold hearted abusive person. I still have to get Rafi."

"I'll take care of it. You go get some sleep."

"I can't sleep."

"Do I have your permission to tell Hank?"

"Yea but he has to promise not to hurt Ethan."

"Okay."[I call Hank he answers:]


"Hey Voight it's Lindsay."

"Last names. What's going on?"

"Ethan got violent with April and she wants out. I need you to get Rafi out of the hospital and to my house by the three."

"I'll make him pay."

"No you can't hurt Ethan promise me."

"I promise. Is she okay?"

"Shaking like a leaf and terrified. I've never seen her this scared ever."

"Okay. I'll make it happen."

"She's also gonna need to start over."

"Yea. I've got it."

"This conversation never happened."[I hang up and go upstairs I get my concealed carry and two clips Jay comes behind me and says:]

"You okay?"

"I'm mad as hell. How could he hurt her?"

"I don't understand it myself. I'm gonna go over there tomorrow and have a little chat with my friend. I'm not gonna hurt him we're just gonna talk."

"Where are the Colorado cabin keys?"

"On the hook under C."

*Ethan's pov*

[I get out of the shower April isn't in the room I say:]

"April?"[I notice her wedding band and engagement ring on her nightstand with a note I pick it up and read it: "Ethan, I don't know what is going on but I refuse to let you hurt me or possibly the kids. I love you with everything I have. Get some help don't try to find me. -April." I notice her dresser is open and her suitcases are gone I go into the twins room Gia is gone so is Frankie the house is empty I yell:]"April! Giovanna! Francesca!"

*April's pov*
[Erin and I are talking when her phone rings she answers:]


"Get April to the hospital now! Ethan is here but I won't let him hurt her."

"Okay. Voight how bad is it?"

"Bring the girls too."

"They're asleep."

"Mommy something is wrong with Gia. She's crying in her sleep."

"It's okay baby come here."

[I go upstairs into Cam's room Gia is shaking and crying with her eyes closed I shake her and say:]

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