[3.3] - " sorry "

Start from the beginning

Taehyun blushed peach at his wordds, "Y-yah, Kim Minseok! Shut up!"

He snickered and ran a hand through the ends of her hair, giving her a sly smile.

"Yah, Kim Taehyun, am I still listed as 'Daddy' in your contacts?"

Before Tae even had a chance to open her mouth and respond, Kyungsoo had quickly yeeted the young girl away from her spot between Xiumin and Chanyeol, and pulled her to the other couch to sit between himself and Sehun.

The glower that Kyungsoo sent the eldest member was fiery.

"Are you really asking my child this question? Right in front of me?"

"Uhh, dad.." Taehyun started, cautiously.

"Yes?" Kyungsoo responded, just as Xiumin said, "Yes, doll?"

Taehyun quickly put a hand on Kyungsoo's arm to hold him back from lunging at his hyung, and gave him a quick grin.

"Oppa, you'll have to fight Jaebum for that title."

"Jaebum? Park Jaebum?"

"Wha- n-.."

"Listen, Tae, I understand that you have a crush on him, but he's more than ten years your senior. It's time to stop. Have you even ever met him? Please be serious here, I'm trying to scold Minseok Hyung and y-"

"I meant Im Jaebum, from GOT7." She replied blankly, giving Kyungsoo her flattest expression.


"Never mind that!" Sehun finally exploded, "Let her get on with her story, damn it! I've been waiting patiently for years and y'all are being so annoying with all of the interruptions!"

Taehyhun whistled lowly as all of Sehun's hyungs sent him dark looks but begrudgingly got quiet and gestured for Taehyun to continue.

"...Anyway, I joined Pledis and we bonded instantly. I think, at that time, Pledis Girlz trainees were at about twelve? I became number thirteen soon after. Within these past few years, though, we've gained and lost several members and were slowly split apart. Now, Nayoung unnie, Kyulkyung, Kyla, Siyeon, Minkyung, Yebinnie, Kyungwon, Eunwoo, Sungyeon, and Yewonnie are all set to debut in a group together. Myself and the other girl, Yuehao, were removed from Pledis Girlz, then we and the other trainees were slowly divided up, so we all expected to be pushed to the foreground and forgotten for a while. Eventually, Yuehao left the company, too., on bad terms."

Kyungsoo frowned and let her rest her head on his shoulder while he patted her back slowly.

"We still had our monthly evaluations and more often than not, we would be working with the other trainees, so I still got to see them often and we still spent time together. I worked with Seventeen frequently, particularly Minghao and Junhui, since I was one of the few back then who could communicate with them from Korean to Chinese.

"From there, I sort of became a solo act. Our CEO had every intention of debuting me as a soloist, or just keeping me as a producer and I was fine with it. Because I was working so hard to produce and debut, I eventually drifted away from those that I was close to, and I changed a lot."

The boys all nodded collectively, giving her a once over to see just how much she had really changed, especially in appearance.

"I used to look and dress very typically, and as I got older my style changed a lot. I started keeping my hair short so it was easier to manage. I didn't care about my looks as much unless I needed to. I embraced myself to the fullest extent; I dress how I want, I look how I want, I produce what I want to produce and I choreograph how I like to choreograph. I finally became who I am meant to be."

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