Chapter 16: The Act of Helping

Start from the beginning

Velvet: "Here they are!"

(F/N): "How many boxes?"

Velvet: "Five, we'll have to make another trip to get the rest."

(F/N): "Yeah- no, I can make that easier." I summoned a Grimm cat with nine tails, which grabbed the boxes and carried them. "Anything else while we're here?"

Velvet: "I don't think so." She looked around. "I think we're good."

As we walked back I caught some students looking at us, more specifically the Grimm walking behind us carrying the boxes. Velvet didn't notice, that or she didn't care, which would be odd since I took her for more of the shy type. In the ballroom I order the Grimm to place the boxes down carefully on the table, I walk over to Coco and Velvet.

(F/N): "Anything else?"

Coco: "No we should be able to handle the rest, thanks."

(F/N): "Don't mention it." I turn to the Grimm, it starts dissolving. "Call me if you need anything." I started walking through the halls, heading for Goodwitch's office.

Voice: "Once things are mended with her we'll move on to the girls."

At her office, I knocked on the door then entered. The room was neat, one wall was covered by bookshelves, the other had a few drawers and paintings. The only part of the room that was even slightly messy was her wooden desk, which was somewhat littered with papers. Goodwitch was sitting behind her desk looking over some of the papers. I closed the door behind me and walked up to her and tried to be as sincere as I could.

(F/N): "I'm sorry." She put down the papers and looked at me, I advert my gaze trying to look ashamed. "I shouldn't have said that to you... you were the first person there for me when I needed someone, I've just been a complete idiot the past few days... I know I can't unsay what I said but..." I look at her while tearing up. "I really hope you can forgive me." She stands and walks around her desk to hug me.

Glynda: "You were right though, you're not like other guys. You have your own problems to deal with, some that others do not understand because you're part Grimm. There's no need for you to be sorry, I should be, I was going to scold you when it was clear you needed someone there for you." I started to cry into her shoulder.

(F/N): "I'm just happy you don't hate me."

Glynda: "I could never hate you." She patted me on the back.

Voice: "Lie, if she's capable of being angry with you she is capable of hating you."

(F/N): "I just... don't want to be alone anymore. The nights are long, while everyone sleeps I'm left alone waiting. The Fuanus are a people, Humans are a people, I'm just a creature and I know some people don't even think I'm that." She looks at me with a caring smile.

Glynda: "(F/N), you are a person no matter what anyone says, and I'm sure you'll find more people that will accept you, I do and that girl you mentioned seems to, so you know it's the truth."

Voice: "If it was the truth then why did she have to state it was the truth?"

(F/N): "I... think I need to go talk to the others, I might have been too mean to them."

Glynda: "I understand, take care (F/N)."

(F/N): "You too Professor Goodwitch." I gave a smile and started walking out.

Voice: "Not bad now for the girls, you should approach Blake alone, Weiss might not buy the act."

I message Blake if it was okay for us to meet up and talk, she just responded asking where, the only place I could think of was the café we went to last semester, she just replied with an okay. I went on ahead to Vale and waited for her where we sat last time. When she walked up to the chair my heart sank, her eyes were dull, the skin underneath red no doubt from wiping away tears, she only said one word, but it sounded emotionless.

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