The Dragon and the Wolf

Start from the beginning

His smile faded as he remembered his first years. He had been attacked more times than he could count. The heirs to his sword technique were highly sought after. Dance of the crescent moon... He hoped he made the right decision on taking the boy under his wing. He just put his sword over his shoulder when he sensed someone behind him.

His hand on the hilt of his sword he slowly turned. He was surprised to see an anbu there. He greeted not taking his hand from his sword," Bear. What can I do for you?"

The man he had known for years tilted his head to the side and said," The Hokage wishes to see you Hayate. I'm fairly sure you know why."

So the old man finally figured it out. Took him long enough. No matter how much the man was against it he couldn't do anything about it now. By clan law Naruto was his student. He wasn't surprised to find Yugoa standing in the Hokage's office. If anyone would have told the old man it was her. She thought she was looking out for him but she was only making things worse.

The Hokage said giving him a slightly disappointed look," Hayate I have heard some troubling rumors that I wish to either confirm or deny them."

Hayate asked lifting his chin ever so slightly," What rumors Lord Hokage?"

He said his eyes narrowing," That you are training Uzumaki, Naruto."

Hayate said unconcerned about the rising tension in the room," I am. By clan law you cannot interfere with a last clan member choosing a student. I have chosen Naruto as mine and as I am the last of the Gekko clan you cannot interfere. Naruto had has made great strides in such a small amount of time. I have a feeling he will be ready for the dance of the crescent moon before his first chunin exam."

They all blinked at him but his attention was drawn to the painful tightness in his chest. He had a massive coughing fit that almost sent the anbu calling for a medic. He was slowly dying and he knew it. Hell all of the older ninja knew it. Yet he could not bring himself to tell Naruto. He knew it would only worry the boy unnecessarily. He didn't want the kid to go on a wild goose chase like Chun had.

The disease could only be healed by one that was a vessel of two. Whatever that meant. He had gone over the scrolls a thousand times and could not make heads or tails of it.

Yugoa said angrily," Hayate he is the demon fox, Hayate. You shouldn't be near him in good health much less as sick as you are."

Hayate turned his gaze to her and the look in his eyes made her flinch back. When she didn't try to say anything else he turned back to the Hokage and said," I will train the boy. He is not a demon as Yugoa says and honestly I enjoy his company."

The Hokage cocked his head to the side considering Hayate. The man seemed to be considering the truthfulness of his words. Finally he said," I'll allow you to continue training Naruto. You may want to tell his sensei that the bruises are from your training. She is worried about him limping to training this morning."

Hayate had to bite back a smile. So the female jounin did care about her student? That was good to know. Naruto needed as many people in his corner as possible. There were too many that hated him for something out of his control.

Hayate said covering his mouth when he coughed," I... will. Naruto will be allowed to wear his sword then."

He pulled his hand away from his mouth and was surprised to find blood on it. That wasn't good. The old man gave him a worried look but Hayate shook his head. There was nothing he or anyone could do anymore. Even Lady Tsunade who sent him medicine on a regular basis couldn't get rid of it. He only hoped that Naruto would understand when he passed on.

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