Chapter 8, Why Do Enemies Exist?

Start from the beginning

          "I'm not sure I haven't been going to gym or music in a while so I don't know what's going on."

          Jamie reached over at his bedside and grabbed his glass of water. "What's up with you? You look out of it." He noticed.

          I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Girl Problems."

          Jamie raised an eyebrow. "You and Morgan having problems?"

          I shook my head. "No, were fine. It's Carmen that's fucking with my head."

          A smirk appeared on his pale face. "The little cute saint?"

          I scratched my temples and nodded.

          "What's her problem?"

          I shook my head. "I don't know but she's trying so hard to get me to be her friend but you know how I am with friendship."

          Jamie nods.

          I told him everything that happened while he was recovering from a shot to the leg. I told him what happened after the shoot out and how she and her friend saw Ryan and I. The alley way thing and us running away from the cops and Jamie even agreed with me that it was best for her to back off.

          Her and I didn't necessarily have to be friends, we could just talk like civil people in school or whatever but more than that, I couldn't allow. 

          She would only end up getting hurt.

          A knock on the door interrupted me from my thoughts. Don' Antonio walked in with his very young wife Pamela and smiled at us. "How's the sick patient doing?"

          "I feel like absolute SHIT!" Jamie exclaimed as he stretched his arms above his head.

          Pamela laughed and called someone in.

          I chuckled as two gorgeous young girls walked in with a first aid kit.

          Jamie 'oooo'd' at the sight of them and welcomed them closer to him. "Thanks for the welcome gift boss."

          I chuckled and walked towards Antonio. "Boss I wanted to ask you what happened with the truck of woman and young girls?" I asked out of curiosity.

          I needed to know if one of those girls were my mom.

          "Their being held in the barn with Ryan and Rafa but I didn't see your mom. I can remember her young face from the back of my hand Jeremy but she wasn't there."

          I frowned and held my throbbing head.

          "I know this hurts Jare, but in life we have to accept things and continue fighting for your dreams." he tells me. "I didn't have that as a child. That's why I'm fighting for you and Jamie, too have that dream."

          I knew he was telling the truth because throughout our whole lives he's helped both Jamie and I through all our difficulties and not once did he let us down.

          He patted me on my shoulder and gave me a pity smile. "Go ahead, you'll be late for school. We'll stay here with Jamie."

          I sighed just as Ryan came jogging in. "Jeremy dude, good thing you're here."

          I frowned in confusion. "What is it?"

          "Well remember that girl and that boy that saw us after the shootout?" I nod. "Well I just got off the phone with Bryan—from your school—and he said not to worry, that he will take care of them." he said with a smug look and a laugh.

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