Chapter 4: The Monster In the Shop

Start from the beginning

"Gabby he's a monster!"

"Well consider me a FRIEND of this 'monster' Tessa!" I snapped at her.

"All right that's enough! Gabby, I'm not going to dissect him. I'm just gonna have a look."

Tessa just stormed out, and I sighed myself. "Okay... fine! But if that torch cuts anything-!"

"Gabby!" Uncle Cade groaned, and began to work. But the moment he began to fiddle with the grill, something shot out!

"WAAAUGH HIT THE DECK!" I shrieked, spreading myself out like a starfish.

The thing be-bopped around, knocking over and destroying things before shooting outside! And that wasn't EVEN the biggest part!

The biggest part was that the Autobot, transformed.

And boy-oh-boy he wasn't a happy camper!

He yelled and pointed his gun, stumbling around, shouting something about 'die'.

"WHOA! WHOA BIG GUY! WHOA!" I screamed, just as Lucas was accidentally hit! "ATTEN-HUT!" I tried next, and finally, "STOP PLEASE!"

The giant 'bot suddenly calmed down, and I held up my hands. "Whoa... whoa Big Guy... you're okay... no one's gonna hurt you. Right Uncle Cade?"

He nodded. "I'm... Cade Yaeger." He told him. The giant bot calmed down. A little.

"DAD THERE'S A MISSLE IN THE FAMILY ROOM-!" Tessa shouted as she ran in, then froze.

"Tessa, stay right there." Uncle Cade told her. "You too Gab-"

I was already in front of him, reaching out my hand. "Hey, y-you're okay. You're safe. I'm Gabby."

He looked down at me, and I froze. That facial design...

Oh no, it couldn't be.

"My name, is Optimus Prime."


A lot of things happened at once, including-


That's when his ear-thingie fell off, and some weird-looking stuff oozed out. Oh man, was that Autobot blood?!

"My Autobots, they can fix me!"

"Whoa, hold it! You're in no condition to go anywhere!" I told him, just as Uncle Cade volunteered himself.


There was a monster in our shop.


I spent the next part of the day working on Optimus with Uncle Cade.

"So is it true that you guys literally tore up an entire sky scraper?!" I asked excitedly. Optimus was a very patient mech.

"Indeed." He said, holding still as I painted over some of the noticeable welds on his head.

"That's so cool! Ya know I wanna join NEST someday!"

Optimus looked suddenly grave. "Our comrades of NEST have been disbanded. I fear your dreams have been shattered."

I hesitated, a little. "Oh." I said softly. "Right. It's okay. I'm kinda used to it."

Uncle Cade cursed off to the side. "Gabby, do we have anymore fuselage and screws?"

"No, we used them already."

He sighed, and came back over to Optimus.

"You're lucky, the missile almost hit your main power cell."

"We call it a spark." Optimus explained. "It contains our memories and life force."

"What we call a soul..." Uncle Cade murmured, fascinated. As he got Lucas to get supplies, I stayed with Optimus.

"Hey. Did you uhm... You know. Hear every word I said?"

"Indeed. I am sorry for the loss of your danniluke."


"Humans call them 'mothers'."

"Oh. T-thanks. She was... A really amazing woman. I miss her a lot."

".... Gabby, do you blame us for her death?"

"What?! No!... Well okay, at first. But then I began to read Codename Hero and learnt that you were the good guys. The ones that attacked weren't. All I do wanna know is... Where were you?"

Optimus looked away for a moment, as if watching a scene unfold.

"During that time, the government decided that we were no longer welcome on your planet, and forced us to leave in a rocket. The Decepticons anticipated this and destroyed it as we reached altitude. Luckily we had an idea they would try this and hid deeper within. We were scattered, but tried to get to Chicago immediately. But it was already too late..."

I was silent for a minute. "I was right. It isn't your fault." I patted his giant arm.

"I see the makings of a true Autobot in you Gabby." He said.

I could've squealed right there!

"T-thank you..." I said softly, blushing.

That's when Optimus spotted my compass.

"Where... Did you get that?"

"This? Oh, uh, eBay." I held it up, and his eyes grew larger.

"This is the same compass that Samuel Witwicky had..."

"Uh, is everything okay?"

"Gabby, you must keep this hidden."


"This compass contains traces of AllSpark energy."


"It is the energy force that gave us life, but it was destroyed many earth years ago. Only a pair of fragments remained, which were also destroyed. Or so we thought..."

"Wait. Are you saying that this thing's got all- powerful energy in it?"


Well. Things just kept getting better!

"May I see it?" Optimus asked gently.

"S-sure." I took it off and gave it to him. He held it gently and examined it, but as he did it lit up with a blue glow!

"The energy has been spread throughout the device." He gave it back to me. "If you were fortunate to find this, then your destiny is greater than I know. You Gabby, are the Keeper of what remains of the AllSpark."

.... Can I just say 'WOW'!!!!

"T-thank you..."

"Protect this. Should anyone discover its power, you will be in more danger than ever."

"Wait, more?!"

"Already you run the risk of others sensing it. Others who may deem you a threat, or worse, a weapon. Guard it carefully."

".... Y-yeah." What the HELL WAS I AGREEING TO?!

"But what does it do?"

"That is for you to discover. For I cannot say. The AllSpark itself is an ancient mystery unsolved."

"Okaaaay...." I looked down at it. Everything looked normal. Uncle Cade walked back into the shop, and together we fixed up Optimus.

But I never said one word about the responsibility I was just given. Or how this monster, whom they planned I knew to turn in for a TON of money, was my new friend.

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