Chapter 29: how could you.

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~Aaron's pov

I woke up to the front door opening. It was Nate and Grayson. They looked dirty.

"Where were you guys?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. They looked at each other.

"We were busy, at work." Nate said walking into the kitchen and Grayson sitting on the other side of the room. I gave them a confused look.

"Oh. I didn't know you guys had jobs- at the same place." I said, standing up.

"Well, we do. Grayson just started today. We are quiet busy." Nate said, drinking his water bottle. I shrugged.

"Why didn't you guys respond?" I asked. Grayson hadn't said a word since he was there.

"Well we were instructed to leave our phones in the car today." Nate said.

"Oh. Why isn't Grayson talking?" I asked. Nate just shrugged and I looked over at Grayson who looked away from me. Then the babies started to cry.

"Can one of you get them?" I asked, looking at them. They ignored me.

"Please, I've been dealing with them all day." I begged, they looked at me then continued what they were doing. I groaned and got up and went into their bedroom. Once I got in there the window was open. There was a note on the floor.

You and Journey aren't safe.

I looked at it. The handwriting looked familiar, but I couldn't tell who it was. I ignore it, thinking it was Nate or Gray pulling a prank. I stopped the babies cries and put them back to sleep. I walked downstairs and Nate and Grayson were gone again. I pulled out my phone. I clicked on Journey's name.

a: hey, I got a wierd note saying we weren't safe. Haha, someone is messing with me. Did u get one also?

I knew she was probably busy or something, so I ignored that she didn't message very fast. I invited Ethan over and he came over without hesitation.

"Hey Ethan." I said, greeting him. He smiled, then hugged me.

"I got a wierd note in kids room." I said, showing it to him. He looked at it.

"Aaron, listen. It was me who put it there. Trust me you both are in danger, mainly Journey though." He said. I stared at him.

"What do you mean, and how do you know?" I asked.

"I heard Grayson and Nate talking about hurting you two, I'm not sure if they are going to or if someone else is." He said.

"We need to get the soonest plane to Journey then." I said, getting up. He nodded his head as I got up and started packing. He looked up tickets and after I finished packing my stuff I packed the babies things. We both rushed out the room and over to his house to get his stuff. I felt my phone vibrate, thinking it was Journey.

penelope: hey is my mom in LA rn?

I showed the message to Ethan. He shrugged.

aaron: um I don't think so she supposed to message me when she got to LA, so no.

penelope: well she left to go get food 2 nights ago and didn't come back, the police are involved, but say her card bought a ticket to LA.

aaron: woah. Me, Ethan, and the kids are heading to you guys :)

penelope: ok, see you soon :)

I shut off my phone and looked over at Ethan who playing around with (I forgot the toddlers name :/)

"Come E, Journey's been missing for 2 days according to Pene." I said, hopping in the car. I quickly drove us to the prive plane area because it was faster to Penelope.


We finally landed and our uber was already there. It drove us to Journey's place.

"Thanks!" I said, as Ethan helped (toddler boy still don't remember his name :/) and then grabbed the twins. I grabbed one of them (female forgot her name too, or did she have all boys. She had all boys.) I knocked on the door and Penelope stood there smiling.

"Aaron!" She yelled, hugging me. I smiled as she let us in. We let the babies out and Journey's twins out and they crawled around together in the play pin.

"So, what do you think happened with your mom." I asked.

"Well the first night she was gone we didn't think much of it because the past couple days she's been going to work at 6. I was letting Mini out and I found one of her slides on the side of the yard." Penelope said, looking down. I hugged her.

"We will find her honey." I said, reassuring her.

"Hopefully soon." She said, sighing. I nodded. I felt my phone vibrate. It was an unknown number that left a voice memo through text. I played it. I shouldn't have with Penelope right there.

The sounds of a whip or a belt hitting someone echoed through wherever they were with screams after each hit.

"Shut up Journey!" The person yelled, as the sound of the whip hit again with her screams.

I had my hand over my mouth, I was shocked. Was Penelope pranking me? If so, it's not funny. I knew she wasn't when she started crying, no bawling.

"I'm so sorry Penelope." I said, hugging her. Ethan was just as hurt.

Oh meee oh myyy!!! I'm so excited for the last chapter, but also sad. The last chapter is the next one. And the plot twist will have you shookity shook shook. Vote bubba bears. Now I'm going to sleep, smoochies.  Also sorry for all the mistakes :))))))

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