Chapter 6-Registration and good news

Start from the beginning

Nurse Joy recognized each and every one of them despite the disguises. It's wasn't a surprise 'cause she was the Melemele island Nurse Joy, she saw them here often.

"My pleasure, Ash." She replied, and started typing away in the monitor in front of her.

"Please, call me Satoshi for the remainder of the tournament." Ash smiled.

Nurse Joy nodded in understanding. "You're registration is complete."

"Thank you." Ash said, as he walked away with the rest.

But Clemont was still worried about Korrina. Where was she and Bonnie?

-Ladies Restroom-

You could here vomiting noises coming from inside one of the stalls. Bonnie entered the restroom.

"Hey, sis. You okay?" Bonnie asked, rubbing Korrina's back. She nodded.

"It's probably something I ate: Food-poisoning." Korrina replied, not feeling very good.

"I think it's probably best to see Nurse Joy." Bonnie suggested.

"Alright." Korrina answered. She washed up and the both of them went to see Nurse Joy.

-Front Desk-

"Excuse me, Nurse Joy?"

Nurse Joy turned to the 2 blondes.

"Ah, hello. How may I help you? Korrina, you don't look well," Nurse Joy stated, worriedly.

"Call us Eureka and Rina for the next few wells please. She feels sick, and she just vomited a few minutes ago." Bonnie explained.

"Oh my! Bring her in." Nurse Joy and Bonnie helped Korrina in the back.

"Tell me, how do feel?" Nurse Joy asked Korrina, who was laying on a bed.

"A little sick." Korrina replied, feeling like she's gonna vomit again anytime soon.

Nurse Joy turned to Bonnie.

"If I recall correctly, she's your sister-in-law, right?" Nurse Joy inquired.

"Yes." Bonnie replied, feeling a little worried for Korrina.

"She's married, so..." Nurse Joy said, as she turned around and went to find something.

"Yes, she is. What's wrong with her Nurse Joy?"Bonnie asked.

"I might know. But I'll have to make sure." She said as she took a test from a drawer.

"A test? Isn't that to see if you're pregnant or not?" Bonnie asked looking at the test.

"Yes, it is."

Then, it clicked!

"You don't suppose..." Bonnie trailed off.

"Yes. I think you're sister is pregnant." Nurse Joy said.

After a few minutes, Nurse Joy told the sisters-in-law the news.

"Well, congradulations! It seems like you're pregnant." Nurse Joy said, with her signature cheery smile.

"No way..." Korrina was speechless.

Bonnie on the other hand...

"I can't believe it! I'm gonna be an aunt!" Bonnie exclaimed, as she hugged Korrina. And all Korrina could do was smile.

"We better get going. The others must be worried. Thank you Nurse Joy." Korrina thanked as she got off the bed.

"Anytime. If you want any help. Make sure to see me." Korrina smiled.

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