46: sick / taegijoon

Start from the beginning

"yoonie?" taehyung asked, mumbling around the thumb in his mouth. "you okay?"

"yoonie isn't feeling too well, tae," namjoon explained, sitting down and propping yoongi on his knee, rubbing circles into his back. "he's sick, which means we're having an indoors day, with some movies, yeah baby? nothing too energetic."

"uh huh," taehyung nodded, taking his thumb away and shifting closer to namjoon. "kissies?" he pouted, making namjoon chuckle deep in his chest, leaning down to press a kiss to taehyung's peach lipbalm flavoured lips. the little beamed afterwards, placing a sweet kiss on yoongi's sweaty forehead. the sick little was clinging to namjoon, cheek smushed against his chest, lips pouted and eyes hooded.

"come on, babies, lets go get some breakfast in you, taetae, and some medicine in you, yoon." namjoon hoisted yoongi onto his hip, holding him with one arm– thank god for those gym sessions he'd taken– and holding taehyung's hand with the other. the three went into the kitchen, taehyung trailing his favourite stuffie with him, and namjoon got them both into chairs before standing at the counter, looking over his cereal options.

"okay, shreddies, cheerios, or honey nut cheerios?" namjoon asked the littles. yoongi shook his head, not wanting any food, while taehyung pondered, his head resting on top of his dino stuffie.

"shreddies please," he decided finally, smiling sweetly. yoongi lay his head on the table, whining, and namjoon felt for him. he knew the little hated being sick, no matter what headspace he was in, and it was horrible for namjoon to see him this way. taehyung reached out and took yoongi's hand, offering a smile, squeezing his hand in reassurance.

"don' worry, yoon-yoon, you'll be better soon!" he beamed. namjoon chuckled, pouring milk into taehyung's bowl of cereal and placing it in front of him. "we can watch disney movies after you take some icky medicine an' daddy will take care of you!"

yoongi nodded tiredly, burying himself deeper in his hoodie. namjoon made himself some coffee and sat between the littles, rubbing yoongi's back underneath his hoodie, feeling how hot and sweaty his pale skin was. taehyung ate and hummed happily, still holding yoongi's hand.

"daddy?" yoongi spoke quietly, taking his pacifier out to talk. "can we watch brave?"

"sure, baby boy," namjoon nodded, leaning forward to kiss yoongi softly on the lips. "i'll go get your medicine, okay? and then we'll marathon some disney."

okay, maybe the day hadn't started as namjoon had expected. but he thought it'd be alright, even with yoongi being sick.

of course, he hadn't taken into account the fact that taehyung was really fucking needy. while namjoon was tending to yoongi, making him broth and tea, taehyung would be whining that he wanted his daddy to colour with him, or even when they were cuddling on the sofa, taehyung just really wanted namjoon to himself. and now namjoon had put yoongi down for a nap, and he had some serious scolding to do; taehyung hadn't been too nice to yoongi the last hour, and namjoon had a big rule on manners when it came to his littles.

taehyung was sitting at the coffee table, colouring his space colouring book with his bumblebee pacifier in his mouth. the hood of his bright yellow hoodie covered his messy black hair, and he looked up with wide eyes when namjoon walked in, the caregiver sitting down.

"taehyung," he spoke softly but sternly, knowing he had to be gentle when telling taehyung off, else a tantrum was sure to ensue. "come here, baby."

taehyung got up and sat on namjoon's knee, chewing on the rubber of his paci. namjoon's hand rested on the small of his back, and the older looked taehyung in the eye. "sweetheart, you've been misbehaving today," he started, and taehyung's eyes widened noticeably. "you know that. yoongi is sick, and yes, that means i pay a lot of attention to him, because he needs that attention. but, tae," his voice hardened a little. "that doesn't mean that you can be nasty to yoongi because daddy isn't giving you the attention you want."

"i-i'm sorry daddy." taehyung's lower lip trembled slightly, his voice muffled.

"now, baby, yoongi's asleep now, but when he's awake, you'll apologize for pushing him off the couch," namjoon said sternly, and taehyung nodded, eyes vulnerable. "you know what you get for that, don't you tae?"

"p-please daddy, no spankies!" taehyung said fearfully. namjoon shook his head.

"just because i don't want you waking up yoongi with your overdramatic crying," namjoon said. "you get ten minutes of time out. daddy has to do some work; when i'm done, we can do something you want. alright?"

taehyung nodded, although he hated time out. namjoon lead him to the spot designated for time out, sitting taehyung down. it was just across the hall from namjoon's work office, so namjoon kept the door open while he worked, checking on taehyung every now and then; the little sat cross-legged, pacifier in his mouth and his dino stuffie in his hand. he was peaceful enough; anything was better than getting spanked.

"i'm done, tae bear," namjoon poked his head out of the office with a smile, and the little jumped up, latching himself onto namjoon. "c'mon baby. lets colour that picture you wanted earlier, yeah?"

this is soft nd i love taegijoon sm !!

what's your favourite disney movie ? mine is aladdin, but mulan and descendants come as close seconds :))

love u

– jace

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