"I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry, please don't hurt me, please". As soon as he touched me he rocketed backward and sat on the floor, "I'll do what you want, we can go back to bed, I'm sorry". I had just a blob of confusion and my head was buzzing with images of Mabel and Pacifica abuses Dipper. I scooped up the now crying Dipper and walked with him to my room holding his hand gently humming a lullaby.

The bed was the literally the softest thing in existence and Dipper began to fall asleep immediately,

 "Bill"? I poked my head up a sleepy haze falling over my meat suit, 

"what is it lovely"? He blushed, "I thought you wanted to do something else", he nudged my leg and began to wriggle out, his smiley attitude was gone which pulled at my chest, I seemed heavy and stone(and trust me I know stone). "Oh, no, no, no, baby we don't have to do anything you don't want to do", I stopped abruptly, those words came out of my mouth, holy shit. Dipper seemed satisfied with my response and snuggled back in, relief washing over him. "Hey Dipper", the mess of brown moved up and down in a nod, "Did Mabel ever make you do things you didn't want to do"? A flinch struck through my pet and little shivers went up his body, "no"?

"Come on Pines don't lie, what happened". The brunette bit his lip, pulling away the skin, 

"Bill please, I just really want to nap, please", I sighed before letting him drown in his sleep, "fine, rest my Pinetree, I want you ready for the big day tomorrow". Dipper whimpered and rolled over in his sleep. 

"I'm sorry Pinetree, I have to do this", the demon pushed out of his vessel, his triangle form flickering in the mindscape. Memories flashed before his eyes , 

'Mabel, I can't kiss her, I'm gay',

'Pacifica, I don't feel that way, plus, you love Mabel',

'I think I could rob a bank'? Bill chuckled his eyes flashing a brighter gold, "His Pinetree's thoughts were loud but what Bill really wanted was the memories. He followed a neatly planted Pinetree path and followed the bright blue lights. 

Taking a breath he walked up to a door, turned the nob and saw, his missing piece, Dipper's gray world....

Everything was different now, the forest seemed darker and the town seemed newer. Nothing was left untouched and it kind of freaked Dipper out. One thing seemed to be the same though, the eyes, burning, following, paranoia inflicting. Dipper felt like he was being watched, Mabel claimed it was anxiety, Stan shrugged it off blaming it on childhood haunts, Ford was really the only one who looked into it for Dipper but eventually chalked it up to after shock, no one believed Dipper after that.

Soos was running the shack in the off seasons, taking over fall and winter while the Stan's sailed around looking for the adventure of a life time. Mabel and Dipper were turning fourteen at the end of the trip meaning that they'd be going to college soon. Dipper couldn't wait for the algebra lesson his school offered(trigonometry was a little different after weirdmagedon but hey, what you going to do). Thing's would be different though, it hurt Dipper to think about it later on but the Dipper of now was very hopeful for his future.

The fall down hill really started when Mabel got hurt by the Trembley cave(The cave behind the water fall in The Legend of the Gobblewonker). Ford had sent the twins to find these small cave dwelling rock-beasts called Geodites, as soon as Mabel saw the picture she had her heart set on getting one.

The cave was suffocating, cool air clumped together and made it hard for anyone to breath. Dipper had the journal in his hand (just so everyone knows, the journals were canonnly restored after weirdmageddon, this fact was confirmed in the printed copy of Journal 3) and Mabel was shooting her grappling hook at the walls, sparks flying off the walls in dancing twirls.

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