Chapter Twenty: Adrenaline Rush!

Start from the beginning

"Turn off up here. We'll lose them around the next corner."

A turn of the wheel and the car did as I commanded. Except what I didn't anticipate was that we'd be driving through an alleyway that seemed much too long if not narrower and closing in on us fast with its brick walls and dumpsters. I wanted to slow down, but Slade wouldn't let me. He told me to keep going. And so I did. In the end, I could almost kiss the ground once we made it out safely on the other side.

"How do you know where you're going?" I asked.

Slade gave me a dry look. "Have we met?"

"Right. Sorry. Stupid question."

He grinned. "Just keep driving until I tell you to stop."

I exhaled and breathed in the same sentence. "And if you don't?"

"Then we'll just have to be like Bonnie and Clyde."

"Seriously? You know they died in a hail of bullets, right."

"I know. But I would never let anything bad happen to you."

A half hour later we arrived at our destination. The famous Hollywood sign. And with it, a gorgeous picturesque setting looking over downtown Los Angeles. We managed to lose Levi and the patrol car some few miles back thanks to Slade and his infamous knowledge when it came to losing a tail. I put the car in park and shut off the engine as I sat back against the seat and looked out over the city. While my body was tingling all over from the adrenaline that was now working its way out of my system.

But in that moment, we both looked at each other and decided to let our bodies do the talking. I unbuckled my seat as Slade did the same and all but threw myself at him as he caught me in his arms and fixed it so that I was now straddling him. Our lips crashed together instantly, our hands aching to get going as I tugged at the shoulders of Slade's jacket. He worked furiously in getting it off before throwing it in the back and claimed my lips again. I hungered for his kiss, his teeth nibbling my bottom lip as I moaned.

He kissed my throat, his hand slipping in beneath the waistband of my jeans as I felt his fingers push against my hole. I pushed him back and took a fistful of his hair in my hand as he groaned and exhaled sharply. He raised his hands in surrender but I was nowhere near from finished. I ripped his shirt down the middle and fumbled with the button on his pants as the windows began to fog up, giving us some privacy. Slade was in the midst of doing something else when I heard the click and saw a knife appear.

I froze and leaned back, my eyes staring at the switchblade in his hand. "Relax," he said. "It's not to harm you. It's to do this."

Practically forcing me over his head, Slade grabbed a hold of my ass as I sensed the tip of the blade puncturing its way in through the fabric and riiiiiiiiip cause a big hole. The hole was big enough to get both hands in there now as he licked his fingers and eased a finger deep inside. My hips bucked, my back arching as my head hit the roof of the car. I moaned at the sensation, the fierce determination of the man underneath me as he worked his magic. I bit my lip and reached for the lever that would put the seat down.

But even that didn't stop Slade. It just gave him more access. More room to get even more leverage up in there as he carefully inserted another finger. And while Slade was doing that. I made short work of his zipper and pulled out the head of his cock and began to stroke it as I heard the growl rumble deep in his throat. I smiled in ecstasy, the pleasure mounting between us. Slade was fully hard now and throbbing. I wanted him in my mouth badly. I wanted to taste him and take my time with him.

"Slade. Wait," I whispered in his ear. "I want you in my mouth. Now."

He removed his fingers and soon I was nestled between his legs on the floor as I took him deep. His head snapped back, a groan uttered from his lips. His chest heaved, a hand guiding me from behind as I licked up the shaft and playfully smacked the head against my tongue. Fuck me he tasted too damn good. I loved the taste of him, just like always. Sweet and salty with just a hint of sweat to overload the taste buds not to mention my nerves. But I didn't want him to come this way. For we had done this enough already.

I clawed my way back up as he grabbed my ass with both hands and helped me ease myself down on his cock as we both cried out. I loved the way he felt inside me. Almost like he was made just for me. I told him so, but that only drove him that much harder and faster. Soon the whole car was rocking with us. I placed a hand on the window to support myself but it just slid right off. And with such a small space. There just wasn't enough headroom to really go at it in here. We definitely needed to come up with a new plan.

And so we did. The car door opened and we stepped out into a rain-covered storm that pelted at the car and our clothes, only we didn't care. I laid down on the hood as Slade made sure to get the rest of me naked as he stripped off his shirt and pushed his jeans down to ankles. The head of his cock pushed against my hole as an act of teasing as I looked at Slade and begged him with my eyes to fuck me. Fuck me hard. He got the message and slammed into me as I reached behind me and grabbed onto the hood with both hands.

Our moans were muffled by the storm but our increasing pleasure surely wasn't. I arched my back as I felt him nail my prostate over and over again. Then I reached over and grabbed his ass, slamming him into me as he leaned over me and buried his face in my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed my eyes shut. I was close, but was he? His body told me just as I was about to ask when I felt his dick jerk upward and throb from within. Yes, I thought. Give it to me baby. I'm ready for it.

"Come inside me," I said. "Breed me. Please."

"Your my...command."

He pushed himself harder as I felt my own release nearing its peak. A flash a lightning-sparked overhead just as we came. He came but still kept fucking me until every last drop was spent. Afterward, he helped me get into the car and gathered our clothes as we piled into the backseat and cuddled each other close. As our breathing returned to normal, I listened to the rain outside and felt the weight of the man resting on top of me with his head on my chest. If this wasn't a check off my bucket list then I don't know what was.

Slade: One.

Levi: Zero.

Ready. Set. Go!

Author's Note: Wow guys! I can't believe I wrote this chapter in just a few short hours. But I'm happy with the way it turned out and I hope you do too! I thought about doing a love-scene in the rain for as long as I can remember and well, it looks like it was the right fit for this novel. And as always don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW for more future updates. :D

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