Birthday (srsly this time)

Start from the beginning

     You found yourself standing on the toilet seat in the Overwatch base in the bathroom. You smiled and picked up the translocator. Then, you sprinted all the way back to you and Lena's room. Thanks to the translocator, you were invisible so no one would see you. You carefully slipped into your room just as the invisibility ran out. Whew! YES! You did it.

          TIIIIIIME SKIIIIIP!! (to tomorrow AKA Lena's b-day)

     "C'mon, love!!" you woke up groggily to see Lena pushing both hands on your shoulders, trying to wake you. "Ugh...what time is it?" you said tiredly. "'s 6:32!! C'mon!" Lena responded, still pushing on your shoulders and bouncing on the bed. "Ugh, fine. But only because it's your birthday." at this, Lena's eyes lit up. "Awww! You remembered!!" you responded with, "Well, yeah. How could I not? I might have even gotten you some presents..." you were now sitting up in bed...naked. Shit. Let's just say you and Lena had um...some fun last night. "Awwwww!! C'mon! Tell me what you got me! Pweeeease?!" Lena's face went into puppy dog eyes mode and you laughed. "C'mon, Lena. I need to get dressed." Lena kinda gave up after that so you you and Lena then both jumped in the shower to (NO!! Not that! It's waaaaay too early for that!) just wash each other off. After both drying off, you changed into a(n) (favorite/movie) shirt and black jeans. You and Lena kissed and smiled at each other and walked out the door to be greeted with...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LENA!!! It looked as if the entire Overwatch team was crammed into the hallway in front of your guys's room. You laughed at Lena's awed expression. You twirled Lena around and kissed her right in front of everybody. After the kiss, Lena blushed redder than Torbjorn's armor. Everybody laughed at this. After that, everybody went down to the food court to eat breakfast.

     You, Lena, Lucio, Hana, Genji, Angela, and Mei sat at a table together. As you were walking into the food court though, Jack had whispered to you, "You do know I'm only getting up this early for your girlfriend." you laughed and responded, "Aw c'mon! Jack, you're supposed to be the angry drill sergeant that wakes everybody else up at the crack of dawn. Meaning, you have to get up before the crack of dawn." Jack laughed with you and you both parted ways. Yes, you guys are still friends, it's just not such a close friendship anymore. Anyway, at your table, everybody was joking around. Especially how Genji and Angela weren't a couple yet. (A/n) cough, cough--foreshadowing--cough! Since it was Lena's birthday, there was a buffet. The buffet had all of your favorite foods and you were stuffed when breakfast ended. After everybody ate breakfast, all of the Overwatch agents wished Lena a happy birthday and everybody ate cake and partied. The reason the party was so early though was because despite it being Lena's birthday, there were still missions to do. However, you and Lena were thankfully put on leave which left you guys the whole day to yourselves.

     After the party (which Lucio was the DJ at, he played his new album) you, Lena, Lucio, and Hana all went off to go to the boardwalk and the beach. You walked hand in hand with Lena down the boardwalk, basking in the warm sun. It was a beautiful day, perfect for a swim. Which is exactly what you suggested. Everybody enthusiastically said yes and you all went back to the base to grab swim gear. "Race ya!!" Lena whispered in your ear as you two were walking. You smirked and replied, "Hope you don't mind second place." Lena giggled at this and blinked off toward the base. You started to run after her, sprinting at a very fast pace. You soon came right beside Lena and you said, "Wassup?" Lena quickly turned to see you and her startled expression was priceless. "How did you--Wha??" she was so surprised that you had caught up to her in a matter of seconds that she couldn't even speak. You threw you head back in the wind and laughed. It felt soooo good to just run. The wind in your hair. The feeling of your shirt rustling against your skin. And your legs pounding into the dirt below, running a million miles an hour. "Uhhh...yeah. No. You're still not winning, love!" Lena shouted. This brought you back to the present and you shouted back, " Yeah...we'll see." with that, both of you ran top speed. You coming just ahead of her and then her blinking a few meters ahead. At last, you both reached the hangar doors to the base and Lena jumped as high as she could to try and gain a couple of feet to win the race. But, seeing what she was doing, you slid underneath her. Lena looked down surprised to see you matching her speed as you slid beneath and she jumped above. And then, you both cleared the doors at the exact same time. "Ugh! That's bolloks!! Nobody wins now..." Lena exclaimed as you both were hunched over, hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath. " Nobody wins? Yeah, not true. I win!!" both you and Lena looked up surprised to see Lucio sitting on a bench a couple of meters away. Already in swim trunks. "Wh-wait--what?" Lena stuttered out. "Haha! Yeah!! Speed boost, people!" Lucio exclaimed. "Oh my god, Lucio. Are you freaking kidding me? You guys both used your powers and I have no speed power compared to you guys!" you exclaimed with a grin on your face. "Ah fuck. Let's just go to the beach, there I can get my revenge on both of ya." Lucio and Lena both grinned at this. You and Lena quickly retrieved your guys's swim trunks and you, Lena, Lucio, and Hana (all dressed in swim attire) started the walk back down to the beach. Finally, all of you got to the part of the boardwalk that jutted out a little into the water. Lena stood at the edge, not jumping. "Aw, c'mon, Lena! It's not cold, I mean the sun is so freaking hot today!" Lena still wouldn't jump. "Okay, fine, Lena. I'm really sorry in advance need this." Lena turned to face you and started to say, "What, love? What do I nee-AAAAHHH!!" halfway through her talking, you lunged at her and pushed her into the water. There was a SPLASH!! and Lena's head slowly bobbed back up. "(Y/n)!! You bastard! You're sooo gonna pay for that, love!" Lena yelled back up at the laughing you. Lucio and Hana were both laughing so you grabbed both of them and shoved them into the water too. Shortly after that, all three of them were demanding revenge in the water and you were still sitting on the boardwalk dying of laughter. "HAHAHAHAH! Ok...ok. I'll come in." you finally said and with that, you backflipped off the boardwalk and landed in the luke-warm water. "See guys? The water is so warm." "Well, yeah. But it's the prospect that you pushed us in." Lucio said, and with that, you were dive bombed with water by all three of them with you trying your best to fight back. "Ok! Ok! I get it guys!" you made out between splashes of water and laughter. Finally they stopped their bombardment and you pulled out a beach ball. "Alright, if you guys are done, I have a little game. Now, two of us try to keep the ball up and the other two try and bring it down. Kay? Simple." everyone nodded and you continued, " about boys v girls?" "Oh, your on, love!!" Lena exclaimed. "We call keeping the ball up!" you chuckled and shrugged. With that, you threw the ball super high up and the game began.  The game went back and forth, there were moments that it looked like Lena and Hana would win and then there were moments it looked as if you and Lucio would win. But, when Hana hit the ball really hard and it went up, everyone crowded around where it was gonna land. When the ball did finally come down, Lena was about to get it but at the last second you did the dick move. That's right. You splashed water in her face. "Ah! What the-" Lena exclaimed. She wiped the water out of her eyes and looked up at you. She made a pouty face at you and tackled you into the water. Both of you were submerged and Lena did her best to tickle you into defeat. However, you weren't really ticklish so you just kissed her. Underwater. Lena was extremely surprised at first but eventually melted into the kiss. You both had to go up for water so you two came up from the water, dripping wet and foreheads together. You stared into her warm chocolate eyes as they stared into your (e/c) ones. "Daaaaamn." Lucio whispered at seeing the two of you. "Get a room, guys." You ignored him and leaned in close to whisper into Lena's ear, "Happy birthday, babe." Lena kissed you again and you both finally parted ways. Each looking kinda embarrassed, while Lucio and Hana just grinned at you two. " keep playing?" you slowly asked. "Ehh...yes, but no. It looks like you two should spend a liiiiittle time together. Alone. If you know what I mean." Hana replied with Lucio elbowing her at the end. You broke out into a grin and said, "I mean...sure. I guess. If you guys are okay." "Yeah...I think we'll be fine." Lucio said, winking at you. You shrugged and all of you started heading back to base.

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