Chapter 2: Hey Matt...

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I use the key to unlock the familiar looking apartment. I grab a suitcase from the laundry room and went to pack my all my clothes. While I was packing I discovered  a picture of me and Dominic before it all happened. -Flashback- "Hey Dom i'm home. I brung some Chinese." I yelled as I set the bags down on the kitchen counter. I heard some groans and screaming. "Dom?" I walked to the bedroom we shared and found him fucking some chick senseless. My eyes began to water as I ran out. "bae i'm sorry. Come back" Dom shouted holding his big friend. "We're done!!!!" I screamed. "What?" he yelled. "You cant break up with me bitch!!! I give you everything and I only ask for one thing in return." He pushed me against the wall and started to touch me. I pushed him back away from me trying to run but he caught me by my wrist and slapped me. His little whore then runs off with her clothes in hand "Call me babe" he said winking to her before she left. -Flashback Over- I miss it when me and Dom would do romantic things. Not him hit me all the fucking time like I was some kinda slave or whatever. I go to the kitchen and take out a match and burn the picture. He's no longer apart of my life. I go finish packing my clothes then pull out my Galaxy S5. I then dial a number hoping they haven't changed it since 7 months ago. "Hey Matt... Do you still live in L.A?"

Matt's Twin Sister // Carter ReynoldsWhere stories live. Discover now