Chapter 27 - What's So Social About Media?

Start from the beginning

I haven't met him yet. Every time he's flown over to New York? I've been in Georgia. Never even seen a photo of him. Cos most of Lucy's personal possessions are still in the basement.

So I take the opportunity to look him up now.

Ooooh....Jeezus. I'MSOFUCKED!

He's built like Mike Tyson and has the death-stare of a corporate gangsta rapper.

"That boy got his nose busted up more times than you could count, standing up for our Lucy. Loved her and them like they were his own. And they loved him. When he came of age at sixteen? He was the one to make it all legal. Begged them to formally adopt him."

"They were overjoyed....we all were. But like I said, you better prepare yourself. Cos he's gonna give you one hell of a time."

He was laughing at the terrified grimace on my face as we pulled up outside the terminal.

"Thanks for the heads up. Talk to you soon, Jackson. Give my love to Etta and look after my missus!"

I grab him in a bear hug and kiss his chubby cheeks before ploughing into the crowd. Burst out laughing when his indignant voice called out behind me....

"All this smooching and cuddling? It just ain't professional! You and Luce are gonna put me out of business."


"Welcome back, Mr Reedus. It's lovely to see you again."

"Thanks....thanks very much."

Damn, can't remember her name? But she's been in the cabin crew on a lot of my flights. Is really good about making sure I'm not hassled too  much by folk who recognise me.

She laid out my drink with a bag of pretzels and I thanked her again. But before leaving, she bent over and whispered a sincere....



Did I get an award nomination or something that I don't know about yer?


Once we land in Atlanta I weave through the crowds to the courtesy coach. It drops me off at the garage where I store my bike.

I turn my phone back on. 

What the hell?

It starts pinging away like a damn pinball machine as all the text messages are delivered. I perch on my wheels and begin scrolling through a few from my priority contacts....

Greg: Woohoo! About time!

Chandler: WTG, Big Bro  😁

Andy: Hey, brother! Hugs from me and kisses from Gael. Or is that kisses from me and hugs from Gael? What took you so bloody long?

Mel: Let's get shitfaced and celebrate! Lauren, Danai and Yeun are in. Took your damned time!

Lennie: Drinks are on you, my man. Serves you right for leaving it so long. Lucky son of a....

What the hell? There are literally hundreds coming in....

Nearly drop the phone when it actually starts ringing.


"Oi, pal. Whassup?"

"Whassup, the man sez?  Jeez! You're sure playing it cool aren't you, Reedus. Don't keep me in fucking suspense! How did it all go down? "  Sean screeched at me.

What the hell is this guy on at eight AM in the morning?

"What?"  I ask again, stupidly.

"The proposal, dumbass. How did you do it? What did she say? No stupid question....of course she said yes. Shit, you both look like you're on cloud fucking nine. Can't wait to give the bride-to-be a big kiss. Best man's perk you know."

I feel all the blood start to drain away from my face and my hand drops from my ear.

Fuck me  😮

I lift the phone back up....

" still there? Speak, asshole!"

"Yeah, still here. Ummmm, did you find out?"  I start to nervously tap a hand against my thigh.

"C'mon, brother? Entertainment Tonight, YouTube. It's freaking everywhere, except coming out of the horse's mou...."

"....Oh shit!"  Sean's voice went dead soft.

"You didn't know?"

"Fuck. I'm so sorry, man. They got camera. Buying the ring?"  His voice is full of compassion now.

"Call you back later!"

I disconnect and then run a search. Bring up the clip and watch it until the end.

Then crash the phone down onto the tank, smashing it to pieces.

Got off the bike and start storming around the storage area. Screaming my head off in an absolute rage at the assholes from the jewellery store.

"Fuck....fuck....shit....fuck...."  Came to a sudden halt in realisation.

"Oh, Baby. Sweet Jeezus....LUCY! "  I yell out loud, turning back to get my phone.

Gotta call her and make sure she's Ok. Fuck, I bet the house is surrounded with paps by now. Where's my goddamn phone?

Where in the fuck is my fucking ph....Oh....  😖


The Odd Couple - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now