Chapter 2 : Entrance Exam

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-they all kinda OOC... so yeah..






phone call







-Izuku POV-

Today is the day, i'm so nervous about it though. Eating that hair really make me feel weird. There was no time to test out the power that All Might had given me!! woah... there's so many people though.

'I ate that hair, but did it really do anything...? it was sour though...'  I really hope it work.

"Move aside Deku!!" wait... i know that voice. I slowly turn around and guess what i saw... my childhood friend... "Kacchan!!" h-he look pissed off, did i do something wrong!? is he gonna punch me!? "Get out of my way or you're dead."

H-he coming right here!! what should i do!? is he gonna beat me up??! calm down Izuku! b-but he coming this way... c-calm down. "M-morning. Let's do our best..." He look at me and then walk pass me--

Eh?? wait what? did he just walk pass me?? huh? 'I gotta stop flinching instinctively...'  

I shoked my head and start walking. Yeah! 'But it's not like before!! Just remember the past ten mouths!' come on Izuku! you can do it! become pro hero.. yeah... m-move forword...!! My first step towards becoming a hero!!. 'This is it!!'

Oh boi, my nervous really get me, i trip on my own feet! eh?? why i'm not falling?? am i dreaming or something??? am i floating?!

"Are you okay?"

A beautiful sweet voice i heard, what just happen?? i safely touch the ground. I look at my saver and saw a cute girl. I blink a couple of time.

"It's my quirk. Sorry for stopping you, but... Well, it's a bad omen to trip and fall." she said it to me with a warm smile in her face. "This sure is nerve-wracking."

"Ya... uh... um..." oh god, my voice trembling like crazy! a light blush appear on my cheek. I-i never talk to girl before!!

"Good luck to both of us. See ya."

She wave and walk away still keeping those warm smile on her face. I just stares at her not knowing what to response.

'I talked... to a girl!'

(A/N : dude you didn't even talk to her XD awww~~ so cute!!)

//Time skip~~//

-Izuku POV-

'So big!'  i widen my eyes as i look around, it like a whole city.. i know U.A are big... but i didn't know they were so much space for this... I then look the other student. They seem calm and not nervous at all. Wait.... why's everyone look so confident?! Aren't they nervous?! am i the only one who nervous for this?!

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Ah... they've even got equipment to match their quirks... that's so cool. Calm down Izuku! you can do it.... i think??? i closed my eyes and take a deep breath, i open them and saw that girl from earlier. 

'It-it's her!! we're at the same test site!'

She look like doing some kind of meditation, she must be nervous for this. Wait! 'I've gotta thank her for earlier...'  she did save me for falling.

As i walk to her, a hand grab my shoulder.. hard i turn around and saw--

"Why are you here? hoping to interfere?"

"Eep! him too!"

Eh... everyone looked at me...

"That kid was acting like an idiot back at the front gate."

"He flinches at the slightest touch." (A/N : dude... even i flinches when someone touch me when i not looking.... dumbass....)

"I guess that's one less rival to worry about."

Even they bad mouthing me, i can't blame them for thinking that though.




Huh... what did he just sa-- EHHH!!!????? they already runing! i'm already behind! c-calm down...!! calm down!! Calm down! it's fine!! I'm fine!! i can do this! I'm meant to do this! Ment to be a hero!!


-3rd POV-

"Ah, Saitama you came." All Might smile at his partner.

"Yo... sorry i'm late, gotta do something before come here. So? did i miss something?" Saitama looked at the screen as he wave back to All Might.

"No, they just started."

Saitama then spot a green haired boy who is running around with a worried face. "......"

"Let's make this more interesting"

A gaint robot came out of nowhere, and it make all the pro hero smile. (A/N : yeah... they smile... if you read the manga... they just freaking smile.. like.. what the---)

//Back to Izuku//

-Izuku POV-

What the!? w-where that robot coming from!! it too big!!! everyone are running right now, running away from that robot!

 "This isn't funny!! i gotta run!! run, and somehow get some points!!! Damn damn damn. I'm still at zero!! This'll all be for nothing!!"

Everything All Might did for me!! All for nothing!? why i always being a bad luck?


Eh? that voice, i turn around and saw her lying on the ground.

"It's a bad omen to trip and fall"

Why.... why? why?? why??? why i'm running to the robot? my legs just move on they own. Run as fast as i can and jump.


-Saitama POV-

'That quirks...'  I turn and look at Toshinori. Did he just passed out One for All to that boy? Toshinori... what did you just do?

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