"Yea!" She squealed. Karina hugged Abby tightly and stood, beginning to start the morning bread. She had allowed Hal and Abby to have the day off, so the two of them ran to the Heron. Abby sat down on the edge of the ship.

"What are we going to tell her?" Abby asked. Hal glared at her.

"Nothing. If she hears your father wants you back, She'll say something like you need to be with your father. She loves you, but she thinks a child needs to be with their own family." Abby let out a deep sigh.

"I don't want any of you to be hurt." She said. He sat down next to her and wrapped her in a tight hug.

"I love you Sis." He said kissing her forehead. She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"And I love you brother."

     Abby and Hal were talking quietly when Erak and Gilan appeared. Abby stood when she saw Gilan and grabbed Hals hand. He squeezed it for reassurance.

"Hello Oberjarl." Hal said. Erak nodded once, but focused his gaze on Abby.

"Abby, Gilan has come to a decision. You are to leave in an hour." He said. Abby shook her head and pressed closer to Hal.

"She's not going anywhere." Hal said, pushing Abby behind him. Erak let out a sigh and gave Hal and Abby a sad look.

"Abby, you know you must go back." He said.

"No! I have family here." She said, wrapping her arms around Hals waist. Erak turned to Gilan who was unmovable.

"Abby, If your father wants you back, you're coming back." Gilan said gruffly.

"My father doesn't even remember me. Does he?" She growled. Gilan stared at her for a moment before shaking his head.

"Bringing you back will make him into the Will we remember." He said sadly. She glared at him.

"Or send him back into depression. Are you forgetting that I look exactly like my mother? It could set him off again." She said. Gilan glared at her.

"Abby, Come back home." He said. she stood there for a second, without speaking. Then she finally shook her head, hugging Hal tighter.

"I am home."


    Will let out a deep sigh and kicked off his boots. He patted Sable on her head.

"What are we gonna do with her, Sable?" He asked. She thumped her tail against the floor boards. "Why can't she just listen?" Of course she didn't answer. Will turned around in his chair when he heard Maddies door creak open.

"Uncle Will?" She asked. Maddie came out of her room and sat down at the table besides him. She looked pale and her eyes were bloodshot.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Maddie." He said. She flinched as he spoke, an obvious sign that she was still getting over her drunkin state.

"I'm sorry." She said. She held her head in her hands and let out a moan as someone knocked on the door. Will stood and answered it to find Gilan. His old friend didn't wait to be invited in, he simply walked in. He glanced at Maddie with a look of confusion.

"I have it under control." Will reassured him. Gilan nodded once.

"I must speak to you, It's urgent." He said. Will told Maddie to go to her room and she stumbled her way to the door, shutting it behind herself.

"What is it?" Will asked, gesturing for Gilan to sit.

"It's Abby." He said. Will flinched at her name.

"What about her?" He asked bitterly. Gilan rose an eyebrow.

"She is refusing to come back to Araluen." He said. Will's eyes widened.

"You found her?" He asked. Gilan went suddenly pale.

"I didn't tell you that?" He asked, sounding slightly guilty. Will rose from his seat, looking down at Gilan.

"You told me she was captured by pirates! That's the last I ever heard about my daughter!" Will said raising his voice. Gilan stood and let out a deep sigh.

"A month after her capture, Erak wrote me saying that they had her in Skandia. That she would be cared for and to just allow you to calm down about Alyss' death." Gilan said. Will glared at him.

"I lost my wife. Then I thought I lost my daughter. Getting her back would have helped me calm down!" Will shouted. Gilan glared at him.

"She is refusing to return. She's scared of you, Will. She thinks you don't love her. That since she looks too much like Alyss it'll set you off again." Gilan explained. Will shook his head.

"I want to see my daughter." He said in a low dangerous voice. Gilan bit his lip.

"You can't. She has made the decision to stay in Skandia. She say's it's her home." Will shook his head and pulled on his boots.

"Take me to her now. She's coming back to Araluen whether she likes it or not." He said. Gilan glared at him.

"Will, You're not listening to me! She won't come home! On her fourteenth birthday, Erak will bind her to her foster mother and brother. Once the binding takes place, She is no longer your daughter. She will be part of their family." Gilan said. Will eyes widened in horror.

"Than we must get to Skandia before her fourteenth birthday."

Treaty's Daughter (Book one of The Ranger and The Thief series)Where stories live. Discover now