"Just stop it, Ava." He pushed me off of him and exited the bathroom. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I questioned as followed behind him.

"Nothing. I am just tired."

I watched as he took off his shoes. I noticed that the bottom-up shirt he had on was misbuttoned. I don't know why but that seemed... odd to me. 

"The hell you are." I hissed.

"Please, A. Don't start this shit. Not tonight."  He undressed and headed back into the bathroom. I was left there alone as I heard the shower being turned on. I already lost my daughter. Am I losing my husband too?


"There you go, Cindy."

I was currently coaching a 9-year old girl, Cindy, as she struggled to pour the cup of water onto the pitcher. Cindy has cerebral palsy and I have been helping her strengthen her stability these past few months.  I grew attached to her and she has become a big part of my recovering as well.

I cheered as she successfully completed the task. "Good job, baby girl!"

"Still as beautiful as always." 

I turned around and was shocked to Joquain. He graduated high school this past summer. He was a part of a clinical trial that miraculously helped him walked again. An international team of scientists has shown it is possible to bypass a person's injury and reconnect their brain signals to electrodes at undamaged part of the spine. Joquain spent the past months appearing on multiple TV shows and was labeled "Miracle Boy".  

"Hey, Faith. Can you watch Cindy for a few minutes?" I asked my co-worker.

"No problem." 

I walked into the hallway, closing the door behind me. I wasted no time embracing Joquain's open arms. He engulfed me in a hug. I love my job but seeing injured people like Joquain suffer and lose hope of their life's dream is agonizing. I am so happy he got a happy ending, unlike so many unfortunate people. 

"Look at you!" I said grinning from ear to ear.

"God is good!" He started tap dancing. I chuckled at his silliness.

"All the time." I tried not to cry but it was impossible.

"No tears, Ms. A." Joquain said hugging me again. "I could not have done this without you. You gave me hope when everyone else, including myself, stop believing." He pulled a jewelry box from his pocket. "I just want to give you this." He handed the box to me and I opened relieving a gorgeous rose gold bracelet with my name tag on it. "This is just a sign of gratitude."

I remained speechless for a second before handing the box over. "I can not take this Joquain."

"I had a feeling you would say that so I made reservations for dinner for the both of us."

I opened my mouth to reject but he raised his hand, covering my mouth.

"I am not taking no for an answer so I'll see you at Oijii tonight at 7."


"Okay, see you there Ms. A"

This boy is something else.


It was now 7:30 PM and I was still contemplating on whether I should go meet up with Joquain or not. Although his intentions were pure, I still considered going to a dinner "date" unprofessional and disrespectful because he was a client of mine and I am married. I tried to call Taj multiple times to get his opinion on this since he did know Joquain but no answer to my numerous texts or calls. I decided to call in instead.


"Hi, Mark. I am trying to get a hold of Taj but he isn't answering. Is he in surgery?" 

"He actually took the rest of the day off after removing a gallbladder this morning." 

"Hmm, thanks, Mark."

I ended the call. If he was not home, then where the hell is he?

If he can have his fun, why can't I?

I rushed to get dressed and headed out the door, on my way to the Oijii.


"Hey! I thought you were not going to come." Joquain got up to pull my chair out.

"Yet here I am." I smiled. 

The rest of evening was filled with obnoxious laughter, great food, and a dope conversation.  

"I have to be honest. I haven't had that great of time since... forever," I confessed as we exited the restaurant.

"Yea, I just wanted to say thank you for everything and I am glad you had a great time." He nervously scratched his neck as we approached my car. 

"I was just doing my job," I smiled cheerfully as we stopped in front my White Land Range Rover.  "Make sure you get home safe-" 

Before I could finish my sentence his tongue was exploring the inside of my mouth. I lolled helpless with my eyes clenched shut, in a trance of tongue. I felt helpless but was overwhelmed by a surge of warmth that left me limp. His groping hands sent wild tremors throughout my body, evoking sensations I haven't felt in so long. Before reality can set in, I knew I was kissing him back.

I wiggled for my car keys as the kiss intensified. I unlocked the doors with a click of a button. We slid into the backseat, me straddling on top of him. I pressed my mouth to his so hard that I shared in the taste of his skillet chicken from dinner. I knew what I was doing was stupid, a foolish act of imitating what I once had. I was dreadfully afraid that this might go too far, but that did not stop me from removing my shirt and then his.


this kind of sucked but whatever...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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