Realisation settled over her face as she recognised the hidden meaning behind my words. I want to know if he made a move on her and most importantly, what she did about it.

"Okay," she nodded, beginning to draw circles on my collarbone to distract herself, "it was mostly just small talk when I got in the car. Konrad was trying to be charming, giving me compliments and such."


"We went to a restaurant, close to the docks, pretty high end actually," when Eliza caught my glare, she quickly continued, "We got talking, he was trying to get answers on my life, my father, my businesses –."

"What did you say to him?" I asked, worrying about her.

What could she have told him that he could use against her?"

"Nothing. I gave him nothing to go on. Just that my father was an Italian family head and said that he shouldn't even bother asking about my casino and brothel because I would never, ever sell to him," she soothed me and even managed to bring a proud smile on my face, "he also told me about college."

Oh crap. My playboy lifestyle wasn't a secret to Eliza but the full extent, particularly the part where Konrad was involved, was. He could have told her anything. The worst part was, he wouldn't have to lie to make me the bad guy. I was.

"What exactly did he tell you?" I asked, sitting up on my knees encase I needed to make a fast get away.

"Patrick, you don't –."

"No, I need to know," I stopped her before she gave me an excuse that my past life didn't bother her, "I want to answer any questions you have. We are being honest here after all."

Eliza nodded in agreement, but still looked uncomfortable. I couldn't blame her. I wouldn't want the answer to these questions either.

"Um, he said that you once slept with three girls at one party," she started, sitting up on her elbows.

"It's true," I told her, "I can't remember the night or any specific details – including their names – but yes, it happened."

I could see her trying so hard not to judge me, but she was failing miserably.

"He said that you had six girls all wrapped around your finger. Every month you had someone new," she continued, her voice sounding a little harder than before.

"True. But I was very clear to all of them that it was only causal, I didn't want anything serious and that we were not exclusive. When they began to get feelings for me and wanted anything more, I ended it."

She frowned, "Why?"

It was my turn to frown.

"You know why."

At my response, she sucked in a breath. I guess she had forgotten the loveless life I was forced to live as a teenager and an adult because I was betrothed to another. A girl that was still an innocent child when my innocence had been dead and buried for years.

Moving on, I asked, "What else?"

She took in a breath, thinking, "He said that you saw everyone like pieces of chest. Each person as their purpose, their place, whether they're a means to an end, a threat, a business opportunity."

I nodded, trying to feel ashamed for my actions. Perhaps a part of me did. But it was something that I had been taught to do from the very beginning and a technique that had served me when I had begun to make my empire. However, it didn't help me when I was first married though.

"Yes. It was something that I needed in my life and I'm not ashamed to admit that," I answered honestly, "What I can say, I never used the people who were closest to me."

Arranged Marriage | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now