I could not help but notice the small smile him and Stiles shared with each other as if that was an inside joke or something.

            I was starting to wonder about these to. They seemed strange at times as if they were trying to hide something from me.

 I looked around me at the rest of the student body and could not figure out what they were talking about. They said the school was very divers but eighty percent of the people I was looking at were all white. Not exactly my idea of diverse.

            “Here’s the office.” Scott told me as we stopped in front of a door that said main office on it.

            “Do you want us to go in with you?” Stiles asked.

            I was starting to notice that he was a lot nicer then my brother was.

            “No I think I can handle it.” I told them.

            “Okay. We’ll be rite over here when you get out.” Stiles said pointing to a locker a few feet down the hall.

            “K.” I said then made my way into the office.

            I walked over to the front desk and sitting behind it was a middle age women who must be the secretary. She sat there in her chair playing with the end of her blond hair. She was staring at the computer and did not even seem to notice me.

            “Excuse me.” I said when I realized she had no idea I was standing there.

            “Oh. Yes miss is there something I can help you with?” She asked me with a big smile on her face.

            “Yah. It’s my first day here and I was told to come here and get my schedule.” I told the lady.

            “And your name?” She asked me.

            I wondered if there was more than one knew student today. Why else would she ask me my name?

            “Thana, Thana Tomes.” I told her.

            “Uhh yes. Thana. Here you go dear.” She said handing me a small piece of paper.

            I looked it over real quick checking to make shore it was my schedule. It was so I quickly made my way out of the office and into the hall.

            Once back outside I looked around for Scott and Stiles. They were exactly where they said they would be but they were no longer alone. There were standing there with three other girls.

            Scott was leaning back against the lockers with his arm around a cute little Asian girl. She had long black hair and a very nice smile on her face. You can tell a lot from a person’s smile and even form down the hall I could tell she was a kind soul. And she was obviously very much into my brother.

Screaming in the Dark (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now