Ceremonial Party Crashers

Start from the beginning

A round of applause erupts from the crowd. Zaydon turns around and places his hand on the small of my back to get me to move, but I don't.

"What is the third phase?" I ask.

"You know, your sister asked a lot of questions during her phases." He mumbles.


"The two of you are going through the same phases, except for the fact that she completed her phases months ago."

"Why was she sent to Asgard then?" I ask.

"Back up plan." He says.

"For what?"

"In case you were brought to Asgard, we sent you to one of the realms that is under Asgard's protection. We had to of course make sure that we could get you especially back."

"Oh my god." It finally hit me, my sister is under their control, and that's what they are going to do to me.

"What?" Zaydon asks and continues to try to push me to move.

"You're insane." I say and walk away from him.

He runs up to me and grabs my arm with his blue hand. He twists me around to look at him.

"You are trying to make me into brainless soldier, aren't you?" I ask.

"Possibly." He smirks and begins to pull me down the stairs.

"No!" I scream.

I pull my arm away roughly and cause him to go flying. I watch as he hits the wall and falls to the floor. The doors burst open and masked creatures come running out toward me. I run down the staircase into the crowd.

The crowd opens creating paths for me to run. I hear shots ring out and see creatures collapse on each side of me.

'Oh my god, they're trying to kill me!'

I push creatures out of the way, and see them go flying similar to the way Zaydon did. A giant bang comes from the ceiling and light fills the room. It dissipates and standing in the center is Thor, Loki, and.... Odin?!? I see his eye frantically search the room, he looks at me and shouts.

I run toward him, as I do I see Thor and Loki begin to fight the masked creatures. Thor throws his hammer, which causes all of them to topple over, while Loki fights with a sword and knives.

I run up to Odin, he looks down at me and moves his gaze back to the room.

"Let's see what powers you posses." He says.

"What?!?" I shout at him.

"Present your powers."

"I don't know how."

"Try to focus, think. What have you noticed about yourself so far." Odin says. I look up at him like he's crazy. "Just try."

I nod and look back at the masked creatures advancing toward us. I glance back at Thor and he smiles and nods at me. I close my eyes and face forward.

I hear their footsteps coming closer, I open them and run. Not away as I have always done but toward them. I feel a tingly sensation vibrate in my body. I jump, high if I may add, and slam my fist down onto the floor. I look down afraid that I have embarrassed myself. I hear cracks, I at my hand and see the floor slowly lift up, like a wave, the cracks within the floor are purple, the color rides with the floor and then it disappears once the wave goes down. The purple wave continues slowly to the creatures, who are also moving slowly. The creatures standing upon it begin to fly off of it tardily. The wave continues to go slowly throughout the room, spreading as it goes on.

I stand up and run over to Thor and Loki's side, Thor has that stupid smile he always wears plastered on his face and Loki has the look of total disbelief. I have impressed the god of Mischief and lies. I smile and charge toward the masked creatures, punching and kicking as I pass by their slow bodies. I stop and look at what I have done, the creatures bodies still flying off the ground with the wave, the other creatures falling slowly from the kicks and punches I had given them. There's only one last thing I have to do.

I waltz up the stairs to where Zaydon is. I walk up to him where he sits against the wall. I see his chest slowly rise and fall but his face has the expression that he is breathing heavily. I slap him across the face and see his expression change to pain. I smile and walk down the staircase and stand next to Odin.

I push the power feeling away and a wave of dizziness comes unto me. I collapse and I feel two arms catch me right before my body hits the floor.

"Heimdell open the Bifrost." He says and the familiar sensation comes onto me and I fly up.

We land in the familiar room and I see the man with gold eyes stare at us as he holds the giant sword in the key thingy. My head is still spinning so I just stand there as I try to make myself relax.

"Brother!" He shouts. "We have been to many parties that we were not invited to, but I believe this was the first we have ever been a ceremonial party crasher."

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