Chapter One

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Adeline was reading a book while her friends waited for the Southside High transfers. One of her friends, Veronica, thought it would be a good idea to welcome them on their first day. She was more than happy to help, but they were taking a while to come so she sat on the stairs behind them and waited.

She was so indulged with her book,  that she hadn't noticed that they had already come in. The part she was reading was interesting which made her grin and scream internally. But her reading was cut short when Veronica called out her name.

"Where's Addy? Adeline where ar- there you are you!" Veronica turned to where Archie had pointed. Adeline picked her head up and met Veronica's eyes. She smiled and began to look for her bookmark. She became a little frantic when she couldn't find it, but regained calmness when she got up and saw she had been sitting on it.

Adeline quickly got up with her book and bag in her arms and left her previous spot. When she got to her friends she noticed Jughead, one of her closest friends. He moved to Southside High and she had missed seeing him around. They both locked eyes and when the excited girl smiled, she dropped her stuff onto the table and threw her arms around Jughead.

"Jughead! I missed you so much!" She felt his warmth when his arms trapped her. Adeline didn't want to let go, but knew people were waiting for them. She unwrapped her arms from Jughead and left to the table.

Veronica threw her arm around Adeline when she made it back to the table. "Ladies and gents, this is Adeline Hart. Riverdale's very own Angel." She rolled her eyes but smiled when Veronica called her that. People around Riverdale took a liking to calling her an Angel because she was always nice, always smiled, and always brought you back up when you're feeling down.

She looked towards the crowd in front of her. Her eyes immediately went to the three people standing next to Jughead. Adeline gave them all a smile before locking eyes with a tall boy. He had a Serpent tattoo on his neck and dog tags dangling from his chest. When the handsome boy nodded at her, she felt heat rising up to her cheeks.

"To ease this transition, I've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules, and a list of sports and extracurriculars. We encourage each and everyone of you to drink from the cup that is fair Riverdale." Veronica finished off with a smile on her face.

Had she practiced saying that all morning? Adeline's thoughts quickly diminished as Cheryl's voice was heard throughout the halls,"Stand down Eva Perón." Reggie, the Vixens, and the Bulldogs walked down the stairs with Cheryl where Adeline was previously on. This might not end well, she thought.

"There's the school spirit I so fondly remember." said Jughead. She sadly looked at Jughead when she remembered the constant bullying he was put through. He nodded his head at her and gave her a small smile.

Before Cheryl could say anything Adeline cut in,"Cheryl, Reggie what are you guys doing?" Reggie wrapped his arm around her,"Addy, this doesn't concern you." She looked up at him,"Reggie, we're just trying to help them on their first day." She knew all about the problems between the northside and the southside. But this was becoming too much for her.

"Oh, my sweet, sweet angel. No one invited southside scum to our school." Cheryl said with distaste. She was known to be the mean girl but once you get to actually know her, she isn't that bad. She was just someone who was badly hurt in her past.

Cheryl gave Adeline a tight smile before continuing her speech,"Listen up Raggamuffins, I will not let Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms overcrowded with underachievers. So please, do us all a favor and find some other school to debase with your handscrabble ways" Adeline loved Cheyl, but sometimes she needed to stop talking before she gets hurt.

"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?" The pink haired girl rushed at Cheryl but her friends held her back.

"Happily, Queen of the Buskers!" Cheryl gave the girl a sarcastic smile. Before anyone could do anything, Adeline removed herself from Reggie and stood in the middle of the two girls. "Guys please, not now. Can we just put our northside, southside differences apart? We can all start on a new clean slate." She looked at every single person, making some look away in shame.

"Adeline's right, you know. We can all start over." Archie agreed with her. Reggie put his hand up,"You don't speak for the Bulldogs, Andrews. Need I remind you that these greaser snakes came to your place trying to kick your ass."

"Happy to finish what we started." The tall boy pushed past his friends and was about to get to Reggie, but again Adeline stopped them. She looked at Reggie,"Reginald, stop." She demanded. She then turned and pointed at the tall boy,"You too." They stared at each other for moment then finally looking away, with Adeline blushing again.

"Alright, that's enough." Principal Weatherbee said. "Get to class." With one final look, everyone began to leave.

《   》

Thoughts? I know it's probably not that good, but feel free to give me some tips or any honest opinions.

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