Chap-30 The Surprise

Start from the beginning

It was Armaan. He seemed a little upset when he saw Siddhant standing so close to her. He blew the horn even louder. 

Sid- Who is blowing the horn?

Ni- Is that Armaan?

Sid looked really angry when he saw his face. Both of them looked at Riddhima,

Ri- Oh guys, I was about to say that I'll be going with him for dinner, actually I wanted to tell him about the new project

Ni-Oh is that so...

Ri- Can I go then, please, please...

Ni- Yeah definitely

Sid- Let's go then, Niki

Ri- Thanks guys, bye

Ni- Bye

Riddhima runs to his car and opens the door in excitedly,

Ri- Bye guys

Sid and Niki get into his car and leave. Throughout the drive, Sid looked angry. He was driving the car so fast,

Ni- Sid, can you slow down

He drove even faster when she said that,

Ni- Sid slowly, please

He still drove faster.

Ni- Siddhant look out

 A car came towards them rashly and he suddenly turned the steering in a hurry and the car stopped with a big jerk. Niki's body bent forward and hit back on the seat. Sid immediately stopped the car and looked at her,

Ni- Ouch...What are you doing Sid? 

She stuttered in fear when she said that. 

Sid- I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you

Ni- Please come to this seat, let me drive

Sid- No, it's 

Ni- Siddhant, please

Sid- Sorry, you can drive

In the meanwhile, 

Ar- Why was he with you?

Ri- Who? Sid?

Ar- Yeah then...he was standing so close to you, I don't like it

Ri- Armaan, it's nothing. They were going for dinner, so we came out together

Ar- Anyways, let's go to a nearby food place

Ri- Sure, I'm damn hungry. I only had roti in the lunch, my stomach's grumbling

Ar- You Hungry woman

Ri- Look who's talking, foodie

Ar- Hahahahaha.....

They drove to the nearest restaurant. 

Meanwhile, Niki was really upset about Sid's behavior. She didn't even speak a word after that. They reached the apartment. Sid was pretty embarrassed about his behavior but she didn't even look at him once. They walked into the building.

Sid- Niki I...

She left the car without listening to him, he kept following her but she didn't turn around. She unlocked the door and walked in,

Sid- Niki please listen to me,

Ni- What Siddhant, did you see the way you behaved today?

Sid- Niki I...

Ni- I know it's difficult for you, I can see that...but please don't hurt yourself. There is someone who gets hurt when you do

He looked at her. There were tears in her eyes. He tried to hold her hand when,

Ni- Ah...

Sid- Sorry. Niki your hand...

Her hand was slightly scrapped,

Ni- Nothing...I'll prepare the food

Sid- Niki...let me dress it


Sid- Niki, let me

He brings the first aid box and takes her hand. He takes out the liquid and cotton and started applying on her wound gently. She twitched when her wound burned,

Sid- I'm sorry...I'm so sorry

Ni- It's ok Sid, it's just burning a little

Sid- I'll make the dinner, you sit on the couch

He said wrapping the bandage slowly on her wound.

Ri- Armaan I wanted to tell you something

Ar- Yeah, you were saying something in the morning

Ri- I got a new project, I'm being hired for a huge project

Ar- Really!!!

He acted all surprised pretending that he didn't know anything. He was enjoying her excitement,

Ri- Yeah, I worked with them a few years ago, but I wasn't hired like this time. I'm so excited, our manager told that it was gonna be huge for my career

Ar- I'm sure it'll be, by the way, a big surprise is waiting for you

Ri- What is it?

Ar- You'll see tomorrow morning 

Ri- I can't wait

Ar- I hope it's you alone joining, I mean Sid isn't joining with you right 

Ri- No, it's only me. I really wish both of them could come too

Ar- It's not a big deal

Ri- Why do you hate him so much?

Ar- There are reasons, you'll know when the time comes

Ri- Again suspense???

Ar- No babe, come on na let's eat

Ri- Fine

Ar- [Wait till tomorrow basket, you'll be surprised.

I'm sure you'll love my surprise]

Armaan smiles suspiciously.

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